Can you short these coins against the USD?

Discussion in 'Crypto Assets' started by Daal, May 23, 2017.

  1. Daal


    Long-term these cryptos are probably solid, but for right now, they are due to a nasty correction. A good breakdown is probably a short, can you short them against fiat currency like USDs, EURs, JPYs? Shorting against another crypto currency to me is useless
  2. m22au


  3. lx008


    yes, you can go short against coins in coin exchanges
  4. jj90


    You can on Kraken, or use a derivative exchange(Bitmex etc).
    vanzandt likes this.
  5. vanzandt


    Call me old school... but I just don't trust these "exchanges". (admittedly I'm not well versed in this stuff).
    But if the bottom falls out of this market.... will these exchanges continue to even exist?
    Until it can be shorted at the likes of a Fidelity or TD.... I consider that a very dangerous game.
    Max E. and dealmaker like this.
  6. jj90


    @vanzandt Well vandy, we all fall somewhere on the risk utility curve.
  7. Daal


    Yes, this is wild west capitalistm. That tetherUSD site is just begging to be shutdown by the big brother Uncle Sam so whatever one does here, got to be with small size and being very careful
  8. just21


    I bought some NXT on an exchange called The owner sold shares in the exchange and then it shut down! If you buy crypto at an exchange then move it to the wallet on your PC so you avoid a MT Gox type scenario.
    vanzandt likes this.
  9. Daal


    Yeah, owning this stuff on a private key seems hmmm key
  10. vanzandt


    Yeah absolutely. What I'm skeptical about are the vehicles that enable one to short. (when the time is right)
    #10     May 23, 2017