Can you say braindead flaming moonbats?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TGregg, Mar 16, 2008.

  1. saxon


    More hate-filled rantings:
    #31     Mar 17, 2008
  2. Isn't TGregg the same klannish goon who has consistently defended Bush the moron the past 7 years?

    Proof positive that there is a pathetic mental illness at work here with the attack of the far left wing of the party...while their own party has been shitting their pants the past 7 years...

    Harriet Meyers for Supreme Court Justice, anyone?

    Tom Ridge? Alberto Gonzales? All the klowns who did a "heck of a job."


    Anyone who doubts that the far right is insane should listen to the mad ravings of Michael Savage, Mark Levin, etc.

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    A menagerie of kooks, all of them...
    #32     Mar 17, 2008
  3. TGreeg... it is the ultimate sadness when you get schooled by ZZZzzzenu. go hide in shame dude.
    #33     Mar 17, 2008
  4. Pondracer

    Pondracer Guest

    Its hard to take you serious when you prattle on with the "Hussein" moniker. You want to invest a serious amount of your posting to this, which marks you as a certain type of individual.

    You are not conservative. And while you may vote Republican its doubtful that you have much understanding of the platform.

    What you are is very similar to the Taliban. I find an amazing and somewhat scary resemblance between you and your type and Muslim extremists. There is the preaching of hate, of course, but also many of the ugly subtleties that the Taliban, Al Quaida and the rest embrace.

    I have friends who are real Republicans, who understand conservative principals. I have respect for them, though we do not agree on policy. Real discussions of values, differences and choices are really only satisfying - and more importantly productive - when both sides are able to effectively engage in intelligent conversations.

    Your're just another guy in a long beard and a turban who is only capable of yelling nonsense in a "insert religious building here". I was always unable to understand how these types took over Afghanistan, Pakistan and the other dirt holes. I blamed it on poverty and the ignorance of the population.

    But really its just intellectual laziness. Its easier to spew crap then to have to think. Thats why this country is where it is today. Real, effective policy requires thought. The current leadership finds it much easier to be lazy. And they can look out into the crowd and see people like you, and they are quite comfortable with being lazy, because they know you are not smart enough to call them on it.

    Once I used to listen to people like you and wonder how you could be comfortable with yourself, knowing you were not only full of crap, but that you were teaching your kids to be full of crap. But it doesn't bother the Talibanis, so why should it bother you?
    #34     Mar 17, 2008
  5. SteveD


    And the left wing nut jobs wonder why no one will elect them...

    As long as they attack Bush I know he is doing OK.....and McCain is the next Pres....

    You got a racist and a power hungry psycotic running.....

    You dumbasses can't even hold a primary vote , LOL....

    Most, not all, blacks are racist....

    You got a Senate leader, Reid, that does not even know what day it is way around that fact....

    Funny to watch.....

    #35     Mar 17, 2008
  6. What do you think, did this cat SteveD vote for Bush twice, telling everyone that Bush was a conservative?

    Does SteveD drink enough right wing propaganda koolaid to be brainwashed enough to think Saddam was behind 9/11?

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    #36     Mar 18, 2008
  7. From the people who brought you this:

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    Now they want to bring us this:

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    Is there any wonder then why they spend all their time focusing on the other party as an escape from the reality of their own?
    #37     Mar 18, 2008
  8. maxpi


    #38     Mar 18, 2008
  9. maxpi


    I really am old now, relatively, and after 6 decades of wonderment at my fellow man I have come to the conclusion that every person on the planet is full of krap and deceived, the only differences are in the area of the person's life and the amount of deception. I've been working hard for a few years to simply become undeceived, to become the real person in me, not the lies I have believed, and they are many, not the reactions to others that have believed lies, they are also many, but just little ole me. The world is a slightly better place for my efforts, it's safer, kinder, it has more help for the friendless and hopeless and the ordinary folk too, it has a little more tolerance and it has a little more understanding and love than it did before...... and I find that the better I get at being undeceived the more friends I have, the less enemies I have and it's all just so good nowadays.... personally, I won't vote for Obama, it's not about race and I can know that because I would vote for Alan Keys, a black conservative, when he speaks it resonates with me, I just don't back liberalism. The other choices are not great but that's where I have to go... Obama seems like the most grown up person I have seen in politics in a long, long time though, if he wins I support him because he will be the new commander in chief......
    #39     Mar 18, 2008
  10. Pondracer

    Pondracer Guest

    There you go Maxpi....

    I don't mind McCain that much. I once said he was one of the few Republicans I would back for the prez. He very well may get it.

    I backed Obama strongly up until the last couple of weeks. My concern with him has less to do with this pastor as his dealings with Rezko. It all seems a bit shady, plus I don't care for the Syrian connection.

    I found HC to be detailed, she had a plan(s). I liked her experience, but I found myself believing in Obama. The wife is a hardcore Hillary gal, even dragged me to a rally to meet her. I don't know what everyone else's experience is like, but my wife is just short of militant in her support :)

    There's a blogger out there that posted something regarding Obama's pastor that made some sense. Basically he was an Obama supporter, but is now questioning that position. As he said - paraphrased - as a moderate if you found out that McCain was taking his family every weekend to see Falwell... could you support him?

    Its a good point.
    #40     Mar 18, 2008