Can you get "it" back?

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by trade4succes, Jul 22, 2003.

  1. Sabena, Thank you for your post.

    This sobering truth is helpful to me personally.

    To the author of this thread. Some say you have reached the sweet spot. Your trading is unemotional and not driven my gambling, risk taking and adreneline.

    This actually is a boring job and data entry can never be enhanced. Just do your your job and enjoy the good days and work your way through the bad days. There is no magical formula that I can help you with, as I have not discovered it for myself. You have taken the first step as another said in here. You have acknowledged and voiced your feelings. Just experience them and on a good day try to discover the "feel good" things.

    Mentoring might be a good thing for you. Take on a project with a student.

    Try taking on a statistical study and try to breakthrough and get some answers that you have had questions about over the years. Strive to challenge yourself and share your discoveries.

    Hope this helps,

    Michael B.
    #31     Jul 26, 2003
  2. no, i have always won. i cant relate :eek:
    #32     Jul 26, 2003