Can white people say it?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by OPTIONAL777, Mar 28, 2011.

  1. Well, I guess because of the double social standards whereby it's okay to use racially derogatory terms, so long as they are only derogatory towards white people.

    #41     Apr 1, 2011
  2. stu


    I think those would be your own personal double social standards.
    #42     Apr 1, 2011
  3. No, not at all. They are the commonly upheld double standards, not mine. If it were up to me "crackah", "whitey", and "pinky" would all be just as taboo as "n-gger". However, the PC orthodoxy has ruled that racially derogatory terms are okay, so long as they are only against white people....

    #43     Apr 1, 2011
  4. stu


    I see what you are saying to a point but...
    You could have typed the word nigger , you chose not to. You did choose to write crackah, whitey, and pinky.

    So why would you want or expect social standards and PC orthodoxy not to do the equivalent?
    Isn't it yourself who is accepting PC as being simply that black and white an issue!?

    Or there's more to it, and it really is not generally considered acceptable for very good reasons why anyone should use the word nigger, or crackah in commonly naming people, or as a racial slur, whoever is doing so.
    #44     Apr 2, 2011
  5. Are you suggesting that if I start typing "n-gger" then it will somehow become more acceptable? I don't entirely understand the point you are trying to make. I just want a single standard. There is currently not a single standard but double standards which hold that it's less or not objectionable to say "whitey", "cracker", or "pinky".

    Many prestigious careers have been ended by merely uttering the wrong syllables such as "cotton pickin" or "nappy headed". Yet non white figures can make racially derogatory comments about white people and that's perfectly fine... Just ask a "wise latina".

    #45     Apr 2, 2011
  6. stu


    I am suggesting , if you want one standard you could start by acting and possibly thinking like you do want one standard for goodness sake.

    My suggestion is first, stop behaving in the way you say is PC orthodoxy and a double standard society.
    You can type nigger. You don't have to type n-igger. You did type crackah. You didn't have to type crackah

    If you can type one word, which you did, then you can type the other.

    You are not a victim of PC socially enforced double standards..
    Neither PC or double standards should force you to be hung up or thinking one way not another.
    Maybe watch the South Park vid posted earlier a few times, see the thing more widely through humor.

    There is one standard. It is that it's not generally considered acceptable to use any of the words. Because some do, doesn't make it right, nor does it make it the norm.
    It is not perfectly fine to use racially derogatory comments about white people.
    If you're not sure, try it. but be warned.
    You will become one of those people that annoy, ( careful how I type this), a n-gger.

    #46     Apr 2, 2011
  7. I can ....


    contrary to popular opinion NIGGERS are extremely over represented in modern day America
    #47     Apr 2, 2011
  8. How many of you guys who are wanting to say the N word has actually ever been brave enough to say it face to face to a black man. Don't be scarred, Jesus is with you.
    #48     Apr 2, 2011
  9. are niggers that scary?

    you portray niggers as some kind of Micheal from the Halloween Movies, and in many ways you have a point

    get the fuck over yourselves
    #49     Apr 2, 2011
  10. Where are you getting this shit?

    I think using racially derogatory terms are in poor taste. I just want the same measure of scrutiny and disapproval applied to those who use racially derogatory terms against white people, my people, as is applied to those who use the n-word. Many a career has been ended by way of uttering the wrong syllables, yet "whities" "crackers" and "old white men" seem to be fine...

    I have used it on only one occasion that I can think of, as I was beating the shit out of one after his pack ran away. They had gang beaten the shit out of a guy and the pack was surrounding the girl, they had slapped her and were grabbing her tits/slapping her ass. It looked to me like a leisurely pack gang raping was eminent. So, I was angrily yelling the N-word as I beat the shit out of the one I caught. The pack had run away like frightened animals do. I caught one and my coworker caught the other. Of course the scared intimidated white people who saw all of this transpire did nothing, but hey I guess they did come get staff to handle it... My coworker had a can of pepper spray he let loose on them and we caught 2, another 3 got away.

    Their feral barbaric behavior filled me with a sense of disgust and I was calling him the "n-word" as I kicked the shit out of him. I do regret calling him the names, but do not regret kicking the shit out of him. Of course, all this could have been avoided if the establishment were free to deny anyone patronage on any basis they saw fit.... Denial of personal freedom often produces horrible outcomes.

    #50     Apr 2, 2011