Can we use animated GIF for a profile picture?

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by OptionsOptionsOptions, Apr 2, 2018.

  1. Can we use animated GIF for a profile picture?
  2. Pekelo


    Unnecessary distraction, so no. Who wants to get eyeraped?
    JackRab likes this.
  3. Animated GIF for an avatar...that sounds completely hilarious and silly -- and dumb. and retarded. and spammy and juvenile. :confused:
    That reminds me of the mid-2000's MySpace days, or era.
  4. [​IMG]
    Lou Friedman likes this.
  5. Pekelo


    That is actually a pretty neat and non-abusive avatar...
  6. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    No animated gifs for avatars please.
    JackRab, PennySnatch and vanzandt like this.
    • I agree.
    • Animated avatars can be distracting.
  7. JackRab


    OptionsOptionsOptions: "Can we use animated GIF for a profile picture?"
    Baron: "No animated gifs for avatars please."
    OptionsOptionsOptions: "I agree. Animated avatars can be distracting."

    :rolleyes: o_O
    soulfire likes this.
  8. vanzandt


    Magna should have one though... put an on/off switch on his little red siren thing so it can flash when some idiot crosses the line. :D
    JackRab likes this.

    • That isn't a "little red siren thing".
    • It is HAL9000.
    • The most advanced AI computer ever built.
    #10     Apr 9, 2018
    Baron and vanzandt like this.