Can we make ET a better place?

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by noregrets, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. Lucrum


    More "crying" from rear_ender.

    Moderators are people too. Why would they not be entitled to their opinions?
    Especially in a forum that carries a warning: "not for the faint of heart".
    Obviously YOU are faint of heart.
    #31     Jul 24, 2013
  2. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Oh, I figured it out. Just wondering if you knew about the ToS rules regarding having more than one account.

    I'm sure you retired your other nick, though. Just keep in mind if we're all going to talk about making ET a better place, it blunts the argument a bit if it is perceived that people are posting with multiple accounts.
    #32     Jul 24, 2013
  3. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Quit your whining. It's getting old. If you can't handle discussions on the politics forum, don't go in there and start them! You start crap that is intended to troll for responses - like "ET's biggest racists" and then when you get more heat than you can handle (which isn't much at all) you come crying to the feedback section.

    Piss off!
    #33     Jul 24, 2013
  4. piezoe


    Wall Street has, since its origins, attracted every kind of hustler and unsavory character. It has never been a place welcoming to the intellectuals and the well mannered. Certainly one doesn't need a college degree to participate in the casino we call Wall Street. In fact a majority of ET participants consider formal education beyond the eighth grade a waste of time and money. As evidence, I submit to you all the threads that have as their central theme: "College attendance as a useless activity."

    Curiously, the crooks that run the major investment banks and Hedge Funds (or did before they went to Prison) found it to their advantage to hire the well breed, from the best schools, as fast talking, but well schooled, salesmen, because their own cigar chomping manner was ineffective in fleecing inherited money from the well breed mavens of Beacon Hill. Much later these same crooks (the ones not caught yet) got the idea that they needed to automate their fleecing operations; thus, they found it necessary to hire the quants,i.e, the guys with --or is it "wid" -- Ph.D.s in physics.

    At the bottom of the Wall Street echelon are the street hustlers, pimps and their whores, and a notch below them the Traders. ET is for Traders, and wannabe traders... An entertaining place to hang out while you are waiting for the market to come to you.

    I like the way Baron lets "freedom of expression" reign supreme on this site. Kudos to the Baron.
    #34     Jul 28, 2013