Can someone make sense of this Israel-NPT thing?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by directionless, May 31, 2010.

  1. BINGO!!

    Also, Israel gives the USA a legitimate reason to be in the Middle East. USA needs reasons to legitimize it's presence there.

    #11     May 31, 2010
  2. The NPT is a joke and there is no way that Israel (or Iran for that matter) is stupid enough to allow themselves to be subject to it.

    It still amazes me that so many in the US and Europe believe that any nation with any technological capability can be prevented from obtaining Nuclear weapons. The fact is that some nations see Nuclear weapons as the ultimate deterrent to prevent them from being invaded and they would be foolish to give that up in exchange for a treaty that is not worth the paper its is written on.

    Is the US going to offer to protect Israel if the join the NPT? The US cannot protect its own borders, is having a very difficult time defeating the Taliban and is overwhelmed with debt. Why does the US govt think they can make and keep the middle east Nuke free?

    If various European nations want to roam the world trying to make it Nuke free with worthless treaties then let them, but the US has many more pressing matters to worry about.
    #12     May 31, 2010
  3. Your first loyalty should be to your God. Countries are nothing more than Kings that wish to control your lives(usually to your own detriment)

    Obamas loyalty is to himself, not the US. If his loyalty was the the US, he wouldnt be spending 3.6 trillion per year.
    #13     May 31, 2010
  4. zdreg


    list all your prior handles.
    #14     May 31, 2010
  5. Warcraft8


    Can you blame them. Take a look at how many countries were invaded by Israel controlled United States.

    The only way to prevent invasion is to have nukes.

    US/Israeli imperialistic plans have no limits.
    #15     May 31, 2010
  6. Warcraft8



    I dare you to call me a liar on Israel being the only one not signing NPT treaty.

    I dare you to call me a liar on 3 billion every year being given to Israel out of our own pockets.

    I dare you to call me a liar on destruction on USS liberty ship.

    I dare you to call me a liar on Mossad involvement on 9/11 attacks
    #16     May 31, 2010
  7. Warcraft8...shouldnt you be running noobs thru RFD right now, or are you busy getting camped by a ?[​IMG]? rogue which is why you are on here now?

    :p :p :p
    #17     May 31, 2010
  8. I dare you to call me a liar on Israel being the only one not signing NPT treaty.
    Liar. How about India, Pakistan, North Korea.

    I dare you to call me a liar on 3 billion every year being given to Israel out of our own pockets.
    Liar. Jordan, Egypt get about the same amount and they hate the US and they spend it on lining their own pockets, not on military orders in the US, yet you don't give a shit.

    I dare you to call me a liar on destruction on USS liberty ship.
    Liar. 15 investigations concluded that it was a case of mistaken identity.

    I dare you to call me a liar on Mossad involvement on 9/11 attacks
    No, you not a liar, you are an idiot. LOL

    Oh, and lest I forget, please list all your previous handles nazi boy.
    #18     May 31, 2010
  9. Illum


    Israel doesn't give a damn about the UN it never has. So this means nothing really.
    #19     May 31, 2010
  10. Sure he is, that's why he put Rahm Emmanuel as his chief of staff...

    The stupidity...unbelievable.

    #20     May 31, 2010