Can olive oil really reduce the risk of death from dementia?

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Frederick Foresight, May 14, 2024.

    murray t turtle likes this.
  2. cesfx


    Extra virgin is the only oil I ever use. Unless I am deep frying... But that happens twice a year. Unfortunately there are plenty of scammers in this industry as well.
    A little extra virgin, mixed with a plain flavour seed oil, is easily confused for olive oil as the flavour takes over.
    Seeds oil are nasty.
  3. maxinger


    It will really not if you are eating tons of ultra-processed food, drinking tons of sugary drinks and alcohol, and not doing cardio exercise daily.
    Last edited: May 19, 2024
  4. wrbtrader


    The few people I know who have Dementia were heavy eaters of ultra-processed foods and heavy drinkers of sugary drinks although they rarely drank alcohol.

    maxinger likes this.
  5. Big AAPL

    Big AAPL

    EVOO. veggies, and whole grain carbs. Limit red meats and processed foods, see you in a hundred years. Yes, I'm Italian.
    murray t turtle likes this.
  6. %%
    Good probabilities :caution::caution:
    Olive oil, blueberries , wild blue berries strawberries, blue berries, coffee dark chocolate ........ do a lot to help , against cancer, anti-aging.
    Source CBN News Health ,section, May 5-2024
    semperfrosty likes this.
  7. [​IMG]

    Magna likes this.
  8. %%
    Sounds good ;
    wild game, lean red meat like venison, duck or even grass fed beef, maybe much differnt from full of fat feed lot, non exercised cattle LOL:D:D
    Big AAPL likes this.
  9. The problem with scammers is YUGE but somewhat well known these days. Which leads to well-meaning research on the internet as to what the "best" olive oil brand is. The problem then becomes what is definition of "best."

    So Joe Blow googles up "best olive oils" or "olive oil reviews" and sees which ones are top-rated. The usual dance.

    As a result of the search up pops olive oils that a panel of chefs or taste testers or the like recommend "oh I use this olive oil for cooking but recommend this one for finishing and dipping blah, blah, blah." Y'all already see the problem here but the uninitiated do not. The olive oils are being highly recommended for their culinary or taste ratings rather than for their health/oleocanthal/ polyphenol content.

    Here is the pitfall with that. Consumers often/usually rate oils the highest for their "smoothness," "grassy notes," "fruity citrus" etc. etc. Yuppy type concerns. Has nothing to do with antioxident content, etc.

    For consideration, the best olive oil has a kick to it that burns the back of your throat and usually causes the consumer to cough once or twice after taking a couple tablespoons. The ones using that type of olive oil considerate that type of burn to be desirable. The ones rating it for "smoothness" and taste rated it near the bottom.

    What I am getting at, is there is the problem with scammers. But there is also the problem of confusing ratings for real olive oils. It is not easy turf to navigate. Possibly cannot be navigated unless you dedicate more time and interest than the average bear wants to do and then find out that you may need to pay 50-60 bucks a bottle - minimum- for a quality oil. The inflation of olive oil prices has been ugly and there is more to come.

    set flame= off
    murray t turtle likes this.
  10. cesfx


    Food points.
    I think the best are the non-commercial.
    In olive oil you have good years and bad years.
    Last year in the Mediterranean, harvest was really bad, hence the overdue price spike. Price has been stable for decades.

    Taste wise, I have a friend who produces and he likes the same things you do, the bitterness and tingly sensation.
    But there are different types of olives, and different way of harvesting.

    Handpicked cold pressed is the way to go, then some olive quality produce better extra virgin than others in terms of flavour and colour.

    I was in a greek island last week, Kefalonia, and WOW!
    I am myself from the south of Italy, but Greece makes me wonder. Olive trees 20 mt away from the sea shore! Vineyards too... Greece is a different world, blessed by Zeus. And the flavours... As good as the people there.