Can I Get A Job As A Proprietary Trader?????

Discussion in 'Trading' started by YoungNAmbitious, Oct 14, 2002.

  1. Hi Everyone,

    I am about to graduate from a mediocre college. On the Upside though I am a very strong chess player and play professional quality poker. Think anybody will care about that? I'm going to move back to NY where I am from. My only work experience (outside professional poker) is that i taught chess in NY for about 2 years. So what do you think, will anyone hire me?????

    Thanks For Any Response,


    PS I'm 24 for what that's worth
  2. dgmodel

    dgmodel Guest

    look at yourself as a trade... from a recruiters point of view... would your risk/reward ratio be in favor or against the recruiter???
  3. Vishnu


    one time I was playing chess out of what used to be Liberty Plaza (and is now a big hole in the ground). A lot of traders used to play there and one time a guy was asking the players if they wanted to be traders. Since chess is more important everybody obviously ignored him. A week later the plaza blew up. But that's another story.
  4. LOL...
  5. young,

    that is a great background for a starting trader. email or private message don bright or rtharp, they should be able to get you on the right track.


  6. yeah I wish I was good at chess. I thought I was good until I went to college and played against real players.
  7. rs7


    When did hiring for a firm, I actually DID try and ascertain if the applicant was a poker player. I believe that it is one of the better indicators, or qualifications of a trader's potential. There really aren't that many. I have seen that the quality of education hasn't been a great determining factor. Nor has intelligence. Nor age (although the very youngest and very oldest seemed not to have been ideal candidates). Confidence and a good attitude were important. And a good degree of humility was a plus. A new trader must be open to learning from everyone. An arrogant trainee can have a hard time putting aside their preconceptions.

    I don't think chess is relevant. Perhaps a good chess player would make a fine mutual fund manager, or fundamental analyst, but for traders, discipline and quick decision making are of primary importance. Just like poker.
  8. Vishnu


    >> I don't think chess is relevant. Perhaps a good chess player would make a fine mutual fund manager, or fundamental analyst, but for traders, discipline and quick decision making are of primary importance. Just like poker.


    You've obviously never played blitz chess in Washington Sq Park.
  9. rs7


    That is true! And so, maybe that is the best qualification of all. :)
  10. Yup. That plus a check for $5K should get you in at any prop firm.:D
    #10     Oct 14, 2002