Calls for new PWA - Public Works Admin / Jobs needed

Discussion in 'Economics' started by limitdown, Nov 12, 2009.

  1. This is bullshit. The government does not need to grow any larger. Already this year, the government has crowded out the private sector with the stimulus package and selling so much debt. There is not enough capital in the system and the government keeps sucking it out with more and more treasuries.
    #51     Dec 6, 2009
  2. spinn


    Im glad I am not the only one who noticed that the markets tanked shortly after Pelosi and Reid took over.

    Ironically this helped Obama get elected as the crazy left used it as another chance to take shots at Bush.
    #52     Dec 6, 2009
  3. Having witnessed a spin off of Bettelle Labs try to raise money to manufacture in the US, the problem was not that startups were worried about costs in the US, it was that Wall Street thinks it sees its highest return on capital from manufacturing in China.
    The US investment banks would not underwrite an IPO to manufacture in the US. So the company was bought by an English company that had done an IPO on the London exchange and is going to manufacture in ENGLAND. Which by the way has the NHS.
    #53     Dec 6, 2009
  4. I guess that those non-conforming loans that Goldman and Bear and Leaman was packaging in tryches, that the Bush Dept of Justice went to court to keep the states from regulating had nothing to do with it.


    And also I seem to remember a top on about July the 17th of 2007.

    Not Jan 2006.

    Nice attempt to rewrite history though. You have to get points for that.

    #54     Dec 6, 2009
  5. Cap 'n destroy trade has far more ubiquitous scope of businesses affected and devastation potential on productivity.
    #55     Dec 6, 2009
  6. selective memories, huh?

    those markets tanked over 700- DJIA in 1 (one) trading session, because the Congress refused to vote or approve the demands by former GS - Treasury Secy under Bush-II

    when he demanded some $700+ Billion immediately, with a no recrimination clause, that would prevent challenge, question, review, rescinding or altering and without further authorization from Congress, those funds to be released to his discretion to bail out those select firms on Wall Street.

    when Congress didn't believe that they were being jacked like that, as they represent the collective American peoples, as well as their constituents couldn't believe this never before heard of audacious request, the markets gave up hope and tanked.

    it is now evident that the losses on the books of all those aforementioned firms, hedge funds that rolled up into the prime brokerage divisions of these firms, and other associated departments evidently were hiding billions of operating losses for years, not just the present CDS failures that tanked AIG and other nations' national savings (which were invested in those worthless products).


    selective memory, used to throw off the light of discovery and shade things in the way your comment reads,


    traders don't forget...
    #56     Dec 6, 2009
  7. Yeaper the goverment never does anything right yada yada yada.

    The real foes of little/medium business are the financial parasites and BIG BUSINESS. Ask my old company that had a cushion of two years of operating expenses and wound up being the target of a buyout/rape.

    And only AmerikA can not figure out that health care is a public utility and single payer is the most efficient way to deliver it. We are too wedded to the proposition that the best way to do anything is to make the rich richer, Which does not do anything efficiently except, supprise, make the rich richer.
    We live in a financial dictatorship.
    #57     Dec 6, 2009