Calling all YT Guru FanBois

Discussion in 'Trading' started by SunTrader, May 14, 2024.

  1. SunTrader


    Watch and understand .... maybe:-

    The Trading Guru and His Money-Losing Disciples

    semperfrosty and Onra like this.
  2. tomkat22


    Wow,I never heard of IM Academy. That dude is definitely giving off Jim Jones vibes. Creepy.
    EdgeHunter likes this.
  3. Sprout


    tldr; what's the gist?
    Laissez Faire and semperfrosty like this.
  4. I don’t have time for scams on YouTube or gurus in general. YouTube is for old (and present) clips of Sissel Kyrkjebø.

    Check her out. :)
    ChipShotTrader likes this.
  5. Good Evening SunTrader,

    I do not know why us as Futures Trader of the ES and NQ market choose to make a trading so complex and hard on ourselves.

    This is trading is not as complex as we all keep on assuming.

    It is actually easy if you just think about it.
    Last edited: May 14, 2024
  6. maxinger



    Watch this instead:

  7. SunTrader


    ChipShotTrader likes this.
  8. rbigsby


    what a bunch of clueless newbies. they should be following this guy: i've never seen him lose but he has tons of videos where he makes like 10 grand in 30 minutes.

    he NEVER LOSES. i have never seen him have a single losing day. they are all winners. but maybe he has a few hidden in that huge list of videos. lengthy videos too did i mention that?

    the real issue someone is going to have duplicating "the professor's" results in my opinion is, having to listen to him drone on and on for 35 or 40 minutes for a single video. for doing that, they deserve to be paid $40,000 or however much he made in 35 minutes.:cool:
    SimpleMeLike likes this.
  9. Good Morning rbigsby,

    Well, atleast he trying. Good share
  10. He's a fake. He's already been outed in various forums for using market reply for his videos. He keeps promising to trade live but never does. And he is not part of any group that he talks about. All he is doing is selling cheap books on Amazon to make money.
    #10     May 16, 2024
    rbigsby and SimpleMeLike like this.