Calling All Jimmy Jams

Discussion in 'Events' started by Spectra, Aug 6, 2007.

  1. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    Probably gets sick sour people who don't know anything about him or his service bashing it when the people using it are very happy with it. I spent a few days in there to check it out and would say its one of the better futures trading rooms I have ever seen on the net, and judging by the members and former members of theirs I have talked to I do not think they are running anything but a legitate place.

    His post kinda reminds me of the time I offered $100 for anyone who would write me a bad testimonial. It went on for weeks and weeks..the complainers still complained, but not a single unhappy exclient came forward (even when I was offering them $100 to tell the world exactly how terrible I was). In any case that was probably one of the best promotions I ever did, it made me about $30,000 in new members and I never did get that bad testimonial. Sometimes the very best thing for a good site is the assholes who have nothing to do but spout of at the mouth. Ahhh this making me miss the guru days..maybe I need to open a site up again and start running a service so I can start argueing with ya'll again too. When I was having an otherwise bad day it was great entertainment.
    #31     Aug 7, 2007
  2. ZTrader888


    Here's my life. How about yours???
    #32     Aug 7, 2007
  3. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    Is the value of your life measured in dollar and cents and toys? Certainly some of it is, I know from growing up poverty is certainly no fun, but I also learned that if you have $1 to your name or you have $10 million to your name you still have to take a shit each morning and if you dont wipe your ass your going to start to smell bad just like anyone else who does the same thing. A bank account is hardly a good measure of your life, worth as a person etc. Of course I had to nearly die last year to figure that out myself, but I'm glad I did.


    PS..btw I have nothing against you. If everything you have said is true they owe you a refund. I'm suprised by your situation because its not the Geoff and Alex I know, but strange things happen I suppose.
    #33     Aug 7, 2007
  4. <i>"Here's my life. How about yours???"</i>

    How much hi-test does $10 buy for your winter car there?

    The way markets are flying all around lately, a serious trader wouldn't walk across the street to pick up $10 during active trading hours.

    I admire you for working so long & hard to recoup that alleged -$10 loss. Hope it all gets sorted out real soon so you can make ends meet.
    #34     Aug 7, 2007

  5. very good points, brandon. plus a stock picture of a car from the internet is simply pathetic. is that a SLK320??? Funnier yet!

    #35     Aug 7, 2007
  6. ZTrader888


    A good measure of one's life is honesty. My posts are honest. I'm waiting for PureTick to stand up to the plate and refund the $10. When they do, I will discontinue posting.
    #36     Aug 7, 2007
  7. Give the fella a break.. He was clearly drinking when he posted that. Hell we've all been here posting and clicking while plastered.
    #37     Aug 7, 2007
  8. Pure troll you are
    #38     Aug 7, 2007
  9. ZTrader888


    Well, after all my requests, I presume that PureTick is in such dire straits that a $10 refund impacts their pocketbooks.

    They are dishonest. They have no integrity. If you do business with these people you do so at your own risk.
    #39     Aug 7, 2007
  10. You are a plum destined to have the market chew you up and spit you out. I can just see crying over a percieved injustice (the market took my toys) while missing ten great trades. I dropped 60k one day as a broker (there goes a bonus) you didnt see me crying (not much anyway) So grow up as I am positive you are a 18yr old kid and get on with it because this aint the last time it is going to happen.
    #40     Aug 7, 2007