Call It As I see It... Palin Won!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by iceman1, Oct 2, 2008.

  1. McCain abandoned Michigan and is slipping in Ohio and Pennsylvania. If working class Americans are moving towards Obama McCain's chances get lower and lower.
    #41     Oct 2, 2008
  2. yeah, you're the bastion of "scientific" opinion eh? LOL. It's gotta be killing you that the "bitch" just kicked your boy's ass.

    #42     Oct 2, 2008
  3. OldTrader, you obviously have no clue as to what 'polling' is.

    Polling is randomly sampling, via a scientific method, voters who ARE NOT TEXTING OR CALLING the pollsters - as would be the case with Fox News fanbois getting Palin Wood and rejoicing and calling William Kristol to share their glee - it's when pollsters randomly select a pool of voters at random, large enough to represent a viable cross section of the U.S., and ask them their opinion.

    All the scientific sampling polls show Biden won - Gallup, Rasmussen, RCP, even Fox (not the call/phone/text in bullshit).

    WTF. I know they didn't teach this in your log cabin school in 1942, but get a fucking clue.
    #43     Oct 2, 2008
  4. That's probably a poll of their newscasters from the broadcast studio. The 12% is from Alan Colmes I'm guessing. I took those numbers directly from Judge as you will.
    #44     Oct 2, 2008
  5. OldTrader = McCain?

    #45     Oct 2, 2008
  6. Wallet


    Polls are constructed with an agenda, if you don't understand that I can't help you. However they want to keep the integrity of the poll, so you will see all the polls shore up to within a very few % points, to a true reading, just days before the election, no one wants to be the guy who's figures are way off.

    Dont believe the polls until then as they serve the purpose of those who own them.
    #46     Oct 2, 2008
  7. Mercor


    How about Biden's fake cry.
    Just like a woman.
    #47     Oct 2, 2008
  8. Wallet


    I'm not a Obiden fan, but i thought that was genuine, recalling the tragedy that happened to his wife and children
    #48     Oct 2, 2008
  9. Flawed polls aren't valid.

    Don't even call them valid.

    You're speaking to polls whereby the question would suggest the answer, or the tone of the person asking the question institutes bias, or whatever.

    I have yet to see a valid poll by any credible polling service, not even Fox News (yes, they have a credible polling service - not the call in/phone in/ text in scrawl - that's not a poll), that suggest Palin didn't lose by at least 20%.

    It doesn't even matter. No VP debate has ever changed the final score.
    #49     Oct 3, 2008
  10. In that log cabin school I went to, we learned to check the facts. Unfortunately, I'm unable to confirm your statement here about either Gallup or Rasmussen. Give me a link where it shows the debate results at either of these two.

    Thanks for the help.

    #50     Oct 3, 2008