California Supreme Court Rules An Illegal Immigrant Can Get His Law License

Discussion in 'Politics' started by OnClose, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. OnClose


  2. So what's he going to do with that license - advise illegals how to get around immigration law and collect social benefits or act as mouthpiece for the drug cartels? The latter would better demonstrate good ol' American ambition.

    In 10 years the whole Southwest will secede and go Mexico way. It's only right; America took California by force from those poor, innocent Spanish who won California along with Central and South America in their glorious genocidal war on the native peoples.

    It's unbelievable how much BS the American people put up with from their slimy politicians.
  3. 1) When was the last time you heard somebody brag about their new hires from Cal-Northern? :confused:
    2) Can he be prosecuted for malpractice in the US with "illegal" status? :confused:
    3) Do non-Hispanics ever use the services of "white collar" Hispanics? :confused:
  4. cmb

    cmb Guest

    Really Odd....
    Just shaking my head.
    One of my tenants was a foreign student at a university in town. He had to cancel his lease with me because when he showed up his visa from his last school seemed to be invalid because his last school never signed his I-20 or something like that. Because of this the school would not accept him, he had to return to his home country and get a new visa.

    How does he graduate university and then law school without a student visa of some type??
  5. LEAPup


    This is precisely why America needs a second revolution.
  6. Lucrum


    The Obongo administration isn't enforcing those laws anyway.
    Maybe he can lobby the INS for their "documented" status.