California Is On Fire!!!

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Dr.Greenback, Oct 24, 2007.

  1. That's the problem.

    He plays on Mommy and Daddy's computer all day long . . . If you think he actually TRADES for a living, you are sadly mistaken. He's posted 40 times today as it is . . . That's once every 10 minutes for the entire trading session. Just use the search function.

    What a joke this kid is. Does Baron pay him by the post?

    Absolutely pathetic.
    #21     Oct 26, 2007
  2. I live in SoCal.......My prpperty got a little burned.. Stock, your parents live in iowa, or ohio? you have zero clue of risk, besides the board game.......piker.
    #22     Oct 27, 2007
  3. I got off pretty easy, because I live oceanside...others here, probably not so well....Stock, if I lived in cali and didn't fare as good....You would be the 1st person I would go after....As look after yourself first...don't worry karma will kill your ass sooner or later....From Socal to Stock: GO FUCK YOURSELF, signed, you reek
    #23     Oct 27, 2007
  4. maxpi


    The fires are the direct result of environmentalists... we go through this every time the place burns.. then they turn around and blame bush for not having all the National Guard at home and politicize the situation... Arrowhead is home to the borer beatles and environuts will not allow spraying to kill them and will not allow harvesting of dead trees and will not allow clearing of brush... end of story, all the public lands are set up to burn on purpose by environmental policy. If you live in California you have to think about fire if you are near or on public lands. The private forests in California like those owned by Weyerhauser for example, never burn, ever. They are managed with the idea that people can use the wood. The brush is cleared, the beatles are killed off, fire roads are maintained, etc.. and they are home to wildlife that could hardly exist were it left up to the environuts...

    The forest service is set up to burn all the public lands, they have a blank check for fighting fires and a very limited budget for fire prevention.. some say it is designed to herd all the people into population centers where they can be easily controlled... seems like it to me.....
    #24     Oct 27, 2007
  5. You don't know what you are talking about. They couldn't put planes in the air while the Santa Ana was blowing. Winds were 80 mph. Had nothing to do with saving the homes of pinheads.

    Once the winds began to die the planes starting getting it under control.

    The number of homes burned total approx 500 or so. Consider what happened during Katrina and other storms in the Gulf of Mexico over the years and these fires were not really that big of a deal.

    #25     Oct 27, 2007


    Who started the fire? That would be some terrorist most probably from Iran. That is just a wild guess, let's see what authorities find out.
    #26     Oct 27, 2007
  7. Fires get started out here all the time. What made this usual is that they occurred during a Santa Ana. Had there not been a Santa Ana going on this fire would have been put out quickly and it would have been no big deal.

    It wasn't like Team America where there were a bunch of Arabs running around with Molotov Cocktails. LOL

    #27     Oct 27, 2007
  8. Humpy


    Didn't see a solution to this burning problem here so far.

    These fires happen nearly every summer.

    But don't worry the insurance will cover it.

    It would be a lot cheaper to put towers on the ridges pumping out fine mist. The strong wind will carry the wet mist even farther than the embers - problemo solved. No wasteful firebreaks either.
    Fires light up - turn on the mist !

    back to the beach for volley-ball anyone ?
    #28     Oct 27, 2007
  9. Humpy


    For someone wanting to make a shedload of money -
    Put forward the plan to put mist spraying towers ( with connecting mist spraying cables ) on the crests of ridges in the California region. But first make sure you have the plan, finance etc. ready and then get the contract.
    Should make you millions
    #29     Oct 28, 2007
  10. You are a dumb Canadian Hoser eh!

    eh! eh! eh!
    #30     Oct 28, 2007