California GOP Files FEC Complaint Over Obama's Visit to Grandmother

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bigdavediode, Nov 3, 2008.

  1. GOP now in desperation mode - they've done a Lee Atwater and aired a Rev. Wright attack ad. I'm surprised it took them this long. May be too little too late, but tomorrow should surprise everyone
    #11     Nov 4, 2008
  2. They did?
    Oh, that's sad-what would you call it, a hail mary, at the last minute? This shit is so ubiquitous, i dont know....what do you mean, "surprise"?
    #12     Nov 4, 2008

  3. It still surprises me that many still do not realize that the republican party is the party of devil worshippers.

    You should do more reasearch on Bush being an occult member of Skull and Bones and Bohemian Grove

    The republican party is the party of Satan.

    the party attracts pure un-adulterated evil.

    It thrives on fear, greed, ignorance and racism.

    The only reason anyone will vote for mccain is they are either satanists or imbeciles driven by 1 of the above 4 reasons.

    Obama may not be the best candidate, but he is the lesser evil of the two.

    That alone is sufficient reason to vote for him.

    I am not kidding when I make that statement.

    The republican elite literally do pray to satan. It is the party of and for the devil.

    NONE, NOT ONE of these maggots actually read the Bible. They do however like to mouth off on it.

    The maggots should read Exodus 20:7

    Do not take the name of the Lord in Vain

    "You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not leave him unpunished who takes His name in vain."

    proof of their anti-Christian activities are very evident in their political activities.

    Look at Bush. He says one thing and does everything humanely possible to destroy everything of human decency.

    Current elections?

    Then you have their poster child aPalin' .

    She runs around stating on stage how God foretold her victory.

    If she loses this election, it is proof positive that she is praying to the wrong god. ie she is another satan worshipper like bush and the average republicon voter.
    #13     Nov 4, 2008
  4. I can't believe that Republicans can't see (or refuse to recognize) the GOP behavior.
    #14     Nov 4, 2008