California dreamin'

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Stosh, May 14, 2009.

  1. Same for America in general. :mad:
    #11     May 15, 2009
  2. Stosh


    Well, I see we finally got a substantive, logical defense of the idiocy that has ruled in California for the last 40 years. The problem has been poor grammar......Yo no comprendo!!! Stosh
    #12     May 15, 2009
  3. California has no tangible industry.
    #13     May 15, 2009
  4. TGregg


    Yay! Vote no on higher taxes, and yes, Yes, YES! on lots more handouts! Handouts for illegal immigrants. More handouts for anybody that can squeeze out some kids. Free healthcare for everybody! A nice living wage that lets somebody raise a family of 12 and only work 2 days a week! 21 billion ain't squat, you can do better than that! How about a real number like half a trillion? That's a deficeit worth chasing.
    #14     May 15, 2009
  5. Eight


    Go with the flow, industry has been fleeing the state for two decades that I know of. What is left is the weather, trading and.... that's about it... find a Mexican / dying industry free zone near the Pacific with great weather, lots of good restaurants and things to do [Santa Barbara or Balboa Island are tied for my number one picks] and ignore the rest of the insanity... except when the Mexicans and their giant Catholic Church / Democrat advocacy /lobbying libtards come to get whitey's money at tax time.. then just pay them and try to get your money back out of stimulus and cheap Mexican labor... it will have to become as bad as Venezuela before I really start looking for a place to go... or if they manage to kill off prop 13... I like the tax situation in Calif currently, my property taxes are trivial and every criminal and illegal pays their consumption taxes on everything... I get screwed on the income tax but like I said... stimulus money and cheap labor..
    #15     May 15, 2009
  6. Humpy


    Well whatya expect from a load of wackos, crackoes, junkies, gays etc. etc. and run by a Hollywood has-been.

    The American dream that has crashed

    #16     May 15, 2009
  7. Its even worst here. You wouldn't believe how fucked up this state is.
    #17     May 15, 2009
  8. Humpy


    We are having a BIG clean-up with our politicians here in the UK

    About half of them have been caught "milking the system" by claiming huge bogus expenses, employing relatives on bogus jobs etc.

    Oh and a big thank you from Tony Blair to the USA. That million $ pension from the USA is much appreciated, I expect.

    Sorry to hear you guys in Cali are upset but well really it couldn't keep going the way it was could it ?

    #18     May 15, 2009
  9. piezoe


    Pure democracy, with no criteria to establish suffrage except age and citizenship, is, of course, nonsense, though it is common. Unfortunately, the logical criteria: education, the U.S. cannot ethically require, because for nearly two centuries it denied a fraction of its population access to adequate education, and then when its moral conscience would no longer accept this, with rare exception, or in locales where the population was homogeneous and white, it left public education as "strange fruit" twisting slowly in the wind. And now there are voices that, if they have their way, will deal public education the final death blow.

    The illogical argument that if one is old enough to die for one's country one is old enough to vote, succeeded in 1971 with ratification of the 26th Amendment. Whereas logically it should have been concluded that one is not old enough to die for one's country at age eighteen, because one has not yet typically obtained enough life experience nor depth of thinking to be able to make an informed decision whether or not it is a good idea to risk one's life in the cause of the moment.

    Had reason triumphed over passion fueled by the ill-advised American Vietnam adventure, the action taken would have been the opposite: to raise the recruiting age, and perhaps raise the voting age as well!

    Sadly, the 1971 triumph of democracy, however illogical, hasn't produced more democratic U.S. presidential elections, as minority presidents are still elected by the very undemocratic Electoral College, or in one case, a very unconstitutional Court intervention! (Too bad those eighteen to twenty somethings who worked so hard in 1970-71 to get the voting age reduced didn't spend their efforts instead on getting the Electoral College abolished! Had they done so, they'd have done far more for democracy.)

    One seemingly innocuous, but in retrospect especially bad, decision can lead to many more bad decisions. The ultimate result could become irreversible before it is recognized as such.
    #19     May 15, 2009
  10. Stosh


    I don't think the root of the California problem is voting age, education level, race, Viet Nam, earthquakes, or the electoral college. It is simply laws that allow policitians to take taxes from Peter (thus losing his 1 vote) and then using his money to help Paul, Kevin, Maria, John, Tony, and Harry (thus gaining their 6 votes). Net result: Politician nets 5 votes and stays in office. At least the states do reach a limit (since they can't print money), whereas the federal gov't can spend almost without limit by printing money. Stosh
    P. S. Gov't should provide a minimal safety net which will be supplemented by charities, churches, etc. Otherwise, it is like two coyotes and a chicken voting over what to have for dinner.
    #20     May 15, 2009