Caffeine addiction

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by a529612, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. DannoXYZ


    heh, heh.. "normal" is relative, eh? I know chics who can drink me under the table and still get up and function perfectly fine the next day. :)
    #51     Aug 8, 2006
  2. Arnie


    Very true. I only drink potato vodka from Poland and never have a hangover. I haven't taken a Tylenol or Ibuprofen in over 5 years. I don't drink every night, but usually have 2-3 good size Martini's when I do. At my age, a couple of drinks, the red leather recliner and I'm out for the night. :D

    Another thing to watch for is sugary drinks. I have a friend that likes Bourbon and Ginger Ale, always has a hangover.

    Regarding caffee as a stimulant. I only drink 1-2 8 oz cups in the morning and in the afternoon I drink Ginseng Tea to stay alert.
    #52     Aug 8, 2006