CA bans Gay Marriage

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jem, Nov 5, 2008.

  1. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    It would be nice if people would learn to understand what they read before they comment on it. He did not say changing laws is a slippery slope, laws are changed all the time. He said changing laws in a court is a dangerous path, nothing about changing laws.
    #11     Nov 5, 2008
  2. Most of the conservative "seniors" in the US lived through the racist segregation US society, and yesterday more than 2/3rds of new voters voted for Obama.

    The republican party is literally fucked in it's foundations. They have stuck the bill to the younger generations, and the free ride the seniors got as "winners" on exploiting the situation after WWII is not coming back. The boomers will be the last ones enjoying the flashy retirements. Now everyone will have to work for a living.
    #12     Nov 5, 2008
  3. Arnie


    Well said

    #13     Nov 5, 2008
  4. hughb


    Take your own advice:

    #14     Nov 5, 2008
  5. Pete Wilson put so much political capital of his own and the Republican party on Prop 187, they are still paying for it today. The election of Gray Davis was the reaction to the Prop 187 vote. Also freshmen Senator Barbara Boxer was staring at a reelection defeat in the Republican year of 1998. She won the origin election by winning only 47% in 1992, and she was too liberal for California. But thanks to Prop 187, Boxer won reelection by a nice 10% margin that she should have lost. After that it was easy sailing for her in 2004. Likewise, Diane Feinstein nearly lost her senate seat in 1994, squeaking by with a 1% victory. In 2000 she won by a 20% landslide.

    Republicans never really recovered after winning the vote on Prop 187.
    #15     Nov 5, 2008
  6. Anti same sex marriage initiatives failed yesterday NOT because of some evangelical movement but BECAUSE of Obama.

    Two points. He OPPOSES gay marriage but MORE SO because of the large black turnout he drew. 58% of Blacks opposed homo marriage in Cal. Also, as on many social issues women were in majority support of homo unions, men not. In fact while the leftist press is already blaming seniors the fact his men as a group (all races and ages) opposed same sex by a slightly higher margin than did older people.

    This is exactly the type of shit I hate about the media. You're going to hear incessantly that this was about "old evangelicals" when it was even MORE about black and Latino men. The media will never go there though. Although if you search you'll see a few writers called it for what it was.,0,2361938.story
    #16     Nov 5, 2008

  7. I read many leftist blogs where prop 8 was blamed on AA turnout, so people know that.
    For whatever reason, it was the right decision.
    Gays have the right to civil unions, why they want to "marry" is beyond me, their rights are protected within a civil union
    ...and gay people should work on their image, integrate more within society and stop acting like arrogant pushy dickheads to everybody else, and oh yeah , I'm TIRED of gay lesbian characters in movies/ tv, that makes me more even more relucatant to support gay issues.
    #17     Nov 5, 2008
  8. CNN exit poll

    Vote by Age Yes No
    18-29 (20%) 39 61
    30-44 (28%) 55 45
    45-64 (36%) 54 46
    65+ (15%) 61 39
    #18     Nov 5, 2008
  9. hughb


    Obama opposes same sex marriage just like 99% of all politicians and legislators do. To be in favor of same sex marriage is political suicide. Niether Gavin Newsome nor Dennis Kucinich have any hope of advancing their political careers any further due in part to their support of same sex marriage.

    After it became apparent that McCain was going to win his primary and Obama would win his, I checked both of them for their stances on same sex marriage. Both were very similar, both opposed it. McCain had stated that he is against amending the federal constitution to ban same sex marriage and that he believed it was a state's issue to deal with. Due to McCain's stance on extending Bush's tax cuts, I had decided that McCain would get my vote. However, when prop 8 garnered enough signatures to be put on the ballot, McCain annoucned his support for it. At that point, I switched my vote to Obama.

    You are partially incorrect on why prop 8 passed. The evangelical movement played a huge role. Their statewide bus tour concluded here in San Diego where they had such a holy rolling prayer meeting they had to use the football stadium to hold them all. Some of them were so fervent they were praying with tears streaming down their faces. Some even did it Islamic style with their faces in the floor. By contrast, the No on 8 rally was held on a couple of city blocks in San Diego's uptown district.

    On the Friday before the election I recieved an email from the San Diego Democratic Club, (an LGBT advocacy group), and they said that they had only raised $225K to the $2M raised by yes on 8.

    You guys won, the constitution will be amended, and same sex marriage is no more.
    #19     Nov 5, 2008
  10. hughb


    Over the last couple of month I have discussed prop 8 with dozens, probably hundreds, of people. All of them, young and old, every single one said they would vote no. Obviously, many of them lied. Some people just place no value on integrity. I would imagine many of them have anonymous internet handles and they are gloating on their blogs right now about how they defeated those damb queers. I get to look them in the face and watch them squirm though. They won the vote, but I have my integrity, which they lost.
    #20     Nov 5, 2008