BYND Beyond Meat

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by viruscore1, Sep 14, 2019.

  1. Interesting evaluation ...
    Nobert likes this.
  2. Overnight


    Just wait until our future generations figure out that plant-based alternatives to red meat will not help the evolution of the human brain. Just wait until people finally realize that if you keep eating grass, you will become a cow. Last time I checked, a cow cannot figure the launch trajectory for a rocket to get into orbit.

    The longer we go on this Vegan path-bullshit, the stupider we become.

    All for the sake of the fucking PLANET.

    Guys, give it a rest! The planet has been here before humans, and will be here after we humans vanish.

    BYND is going to get it's ups and downs. But it will eventually fail, when all humans on this planet realize that in order to evolve, you must eat red-meat.
  3. Still processed food isnt it? I dont understand the hype.
  4. If a billion idiots started painting their bellybuttons blue tomorrow, wouldn't you want to own a factory that produces blue paint of the "right" kind? Logic doesn't enter into what the public decides to like, but the smart folks will happily turn the latest craze into yet more P&L.

    When I was living in L.A. in the mid-1970s, there used to be a five-and-dime on the corner of Beverly and Fairfax that sold whatever the current "in-thing" was, as long as it was cheap. Always had a "Going out of business - everything must go! 50-75% off!" sign in the window.

    Edit: I just checked, and it's still there - and still has the same name. Fuck me with a running chainsaw, but that's a successful business model.
    Nobert and athlonmank8 like this.
  5. lol genius
  6. carrer


    The planet will be here for billions of years to come. If you read the Buddhist cosmology you will understand.
    Basically there are 4 phases of the earth lifecycle (in the text it's the galaxy).
    1. Destruction - could be by fire, wind, earth or water.
    2. The burning phase (for fire), and so on.
    3. The recovery phase.
    4. The phase where living beings started to form and inhibit.

    Buddhist cosmology is very interesting. Buddha has talked about topics from the size of the atom to the number of universes exist.

    I do agree that we have to save the planet, but do it moderately.
    If the humanity continues to do these extreme things like veganism and so on, I believe it will eventually bring destruction to the planet due to unbalanced ecosystem.
  7. traider


    What is the best way to build a big short BYND position?
  8. newwurldmn


    A lion couldn’t launch a rocket either.
    DevBru and Frederick Foresight like this.
  9. taowave


    Let me guess,you also believe Global warming is a complete fabrication of the truth...

    Read the China Study,and get your cholesterol levels checked:)

    comagnum likes this.
  10. If animals were not meant to be eaten, they wouldn't be made out of meat. Plants? That's what my food eats.
    #10     Sep 15, 2019
    Overnight likes this.