Bye Bye Rham!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Maverick74, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. Maverick74


    Are you honestly trying to compare the lawlessness and corruption in Chicago with that of a Supreme Court decision? Really? Wow, OK.
    #41     Feb 23, 2011
  2. Actually, I am saying one was a travesty of justice whereas the other was not. Guess which one.
    #42     Feb 23, 2011
  3. Lucrum


    I'm gonna go with the Chicago election on that one.
    #43     Feb 23, 2011
  4. I can only imagine the suffering your parents must have endured during your upbringing. Followed by heart-rending disappointment.
    #44     Feb 23, 2011
  5. Maverick74


    Let me explain this to you like you are a 6 year old. In the case of the Supreme Court decision, it was one decision. In the case of Chicago, we are talking about 75 years of absolute corruption on every level imaginable in every level of government. Chicago makes the Russian mob look like the girl scouts of america. Everyone has been bought in this city. Everyone is on the roll. If you support that that, you really need to hand in your Canadian liberal card as you can no longer be a member.
    #45     Feb 23, 2011
  6. Lucrum


    Fuck their suffering, I was the one who had to endure four younger sisters.
    #46     Feb 23, 2011
  7. Thank you for that lovely and heartwarming explanation. You are most kind. Is Rahm at the root of this 75-year reign of corruption of which you speak? Would you still be railing about all this corruption had Rahm lost and not won fully 55% of the vote? Please help me understand.
    #47     Feb 23, 2011
  8. I posted somewhere on this site that Rahm would never have left the white house if he did not think he was a lock for the mayor of Chicago, and he is not the type to leave things to chance.

    In the Land of Capone, things get done one way, and only one way. There is no honesty in Chicago, it is one example of the golden rule moreso than any other city in the United States.
    #48     Feb 23, 2011