Bye bye . Mr. Vindman.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TreeFrogTrader, Feb 7, 2020.

  1. traderob, elderado and WeToddDid2 like this.
  2. Snarkhund


    He is being reassigned to the Pentagon where he will take up duties in the mail room.
    traderob, elderado and WeToddDid2 like this.
  3. The mail room is mostly a behind-the-scenes operation.

    Good. If he is going to be wearing his Ukrainian uniform he should not be in a highly visible location.
    elderado likes this.
  4. Snarkhund


    If he was literally offered the job of Defense Minister of the Ukraine he should retire and accept that position. It probably pays pretty well.

    It reminds me of Otto becoming Minister of Justice for a S.American country in the movie A Fish called Wanda lol.
  5. Definitely pays well.

    The position is subsidized by Burisma.


    -posted anonymously.
    Buy1Sell2 and WeToddDid2 like this.
  6. Black_Cat


  7. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    So glad Trump is working on impeachment # 2:)
  8. [​IMG]
    Buy1Sell2 and WeToddDid2 like this.
  9. wildchild


    Vindman is an asshole!
  10. Cuddles


    #10     Feb 7, 2020