buzz aldrin punched a reporter

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Gordon Gekko, Sep 11, 2002.

  1. Babak


    lol...actually a lot of intelligent people believe that the moon landing was faked. I know it sounds wacky but there are some things that they just can't explain. I wonder why Buzz didn't just humour the guy and spend 1 minute swearing that he did walk on the moon.
  2. i gotta say... i was always a 100% believer in the moon landing. i had heard that it might have been faked, but i didn't give that much credit. when i went to the link you posted, there really are some good points. but, that's not to say those 10 points are accurate..who knows.

    this buzz aldrin thing is the kicker though. he was asked to put his hand on the bible and say he walked on the moon. lol and he didn't do it! now, maybe he just didn't want to. but, as we know first hand from the religious debates here, SOME PEOPLE REALLY DO STAND BY THEIR RELIGION! if buzz is very religious, maybe he really couldn't get himself to do it! it's very interesting!

    but how could they really have faked that so good without the technology we have today? like how could they have gotten them to float and hop around so realistically on the moon? to me, the footage does look real, even by today's editing standards.
  3. Gordon,

    We went to the moon. Don't believe these conspiracy theories. There is ample evidence to prove it, including things like pendulum movements that precisely matched the moon's gravity.

    There will always be people who will come up with crazy ideas, but that doesn't make them true.

    This site reminds me of any other "UFO" site. It's nuts.
  4. Tricks and jokes, smirks and snorts, giggles and "gotchas!" are traditional on April Fool's Day. Sometimes, pranksters play tricks on the public -- and a big trick that attracts lots of attention is called a "hoax". The word "hoax" was invented on the American frontier around the year 1800 -- and it was used as a form of the word "hocus", part of a fake Latin phrase "hocus-pocus", used by jugglers to mean something that fools your eyes.

    Sometimes people believe that a hoax is real. Sometimes people believe real events are hoaxes! Did you hear the one about the American Moon landings from 1969 to 1972? Some people, called conspiracy "buffs", or believers, say that the Moon landings were a hoax! Did the United States really send astronauts to the Moon? Is the Fox television network's show called Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon? a documentary about truth -- or is the show itself a hoax? An examination and evaluation of evidence, such as Moon rocks, prove that Apollo Astronauts really did visit the Moon.

    Let's look at the accusations.

    Was the space program a giant April Fool's trick? Did we have the technology to go to the Moon? Were NASA employees so desperate to win the "Space Race" with the Soviet Union that they decided to make a movie of a fake take-off, Moon landing, and return to Earth? The conspiracy buffs make these and other accusations.

    A project to land on the Moon and return home safely, faked or real, takes a great many people. A faked Moon project would require that hundreds of scientists who work at NASA tell lies. But space flight launches, even Space Shuttle take-offs, are extremely popular events. People travel long distances for the privilege and excitement of seeing a rocket blast into space. Recovery of a mission such as Apollo takes place in the ocean and typically involves a large navy ship with lots of sailors. Did all those thousands of people fib too? For the Moon project to have been faked, there must have been a huge meeting somewhere at sometime so that all these people would know to tell the same story! It must have been a long meeting -- and I hope they served some April Fool's snacks.

    Other accusations are based on movie film footage of the Moon's surface. Poorly done Moon scenes are offered as proof that the movie is a fake. Before looking at some specific points, let's examine the fantasy film theory. If you were going to make a fake space film, where would you go for advice and technology? I would try Hollywood first; I have seen some really good space films come out of Hollywood. Those people know how to do things for filming -- for example, in movies they use fake rocks because fake rocks come out looking much more real than real rocks! If NASA were going to make a fake film of astronauts on the Moon, why didn't they hire some experts from Hollywood?

    People who do believe that NASA put out a fake film point out what they believe are NASA mistakes. One detail labeled as a "mistake" is that the pictures of the astronauts on the Moon's surface do not show pictures of the stars. Although Hollywood could undoubtedly have made this happen, ordinary photography can not show something that is bright in front and also show something dim in the background. The sunlit astronauts in white suits were glaringly bright, so the camera exposure time and shutter opening would have to be reduced. To take a picture of the stars in the background, you would need light-sensitive film and you would need to leave the aperture open for a long time. You can not do both things at the same time with the same camera.

    Another so-called NASA "mistake" is a photo of two astronauts and their shadows. In one scene, shadows are going in slightly different directions; does this prove that lighting came from two electric lights? Actually, there is another explanation; the surface of the Moon is not smooth and even. In the questioned picture, one astronaut is uphill, on a slope, while the other is on a flat area. Experiment with this yourself and see what you discover.

    Other film footage shows the American flag waving. Since there is no wind on the Moon (do you think that this is news to NASA?), isn't that proof that the film footage must have been shot on Earth? The fact is that as the astronauts twisted and pushed on the pole to plant the flag in the soil, they shook the flag a bit and it looked like it was waving. Also, conspiracy believers say that the astronauts would have been hit by dangerous radiation because those spacesuits could not protect them from radiation in space. Guess what? They are correct on this point. Astronauts are exposed to radiation during space travel. It even causes bright flashes in their eyes! Isn't this dangerous? Oh, yes it is. Amazingly, our astronauts have been willing to risk the danger as part of their job.

    So, how do we determine truth? This is a question that has been asked and discussed for all of human history. There is general agreement that truth requires more than faith; truth requires evidence. When there is much evidence supporting an idea or event, that is one indication of truth. When there is internal agreement among the different items of evidence, as opposed to contradictions, that is also an indication of truth. If the evidence makes sense, that is yet another indication of truth. We also ask: what is the quality of the evidence? In material things, quality is related to the condition of the object and how much of it is available for examination. In human witnesses, we look at character, knowledge and motivation.

    So, ladies and gentlemen, let's apply these standards of truth to NASA -- and then to the Moon hoax!

    What evidence supports the idea that NASA actually sent human beings to the Moon? First, let's examine the quantity of evidence. There are many witnesses who say NASA went to the Moon. There are the scientists at NASA who worked on different parts of the project. There are the people who worked on and watched both the the lift-off and the recovery. There are the astronauts themselves. There are the amateur astronomers who watched the plumes in space when water was dumped from the spacecraft. That is a lot of witnesses. They were in different locations, at different times, and didn't all know each other -- but their statements do not contradict each other. What they say agrees with each other. This evidence has internal integrity. It does not seem like an April Fool's joke.

    What other evidence is there? Lots. The Moon movies actually support the fact that those pictures were taken by astronauts on the Moon -- not Hollywood film makers. For example, dust on the Moon falls more quickly than it does on Earth. That's because there is no air on the Moon to hold the dust up. (Did you know that dust specks are so tiny and weigh so little that the thickness of the air on Earth is more important than gravity to how fast or how slow dust specks fall down?) Watch how the dust falls in a Moon movie: although there is less gravity on the Moon, the dust falls much more quickly than it would on Earth. That's exactly what should happen!

    Also, look at how those guys move in the Moon movies-- even if we speed the film up or slow it down, it still doesn't look like the way we walk or move on Earth! Even Hollywood would have trouble showing low gravity movement; they can only use the "Vomit Comet" airplane flying in a free fall arc to film little 20-second segments of microgravity. There just isn't an easy way to simulate low gravity -- except in space or on the Moon, where it's real!

    Further hard evidence of the Moon landings can be found in museums. In Huntsville, Alabama, the Space Center has many rockets that show the development of the United States space program. Among those amazing rockets, the little Apollo ship does not seem like an unlikely leap in technology. One of the Moon buggies, with its weird piano-wire wheels, is also there and you can see how it folds up. You can visit a variety of museums and examine artifacts from the space missions.

    Moon rocks are the most compelling evidence. The astronauts brought home about 841 pounds of Moon rock that are different from Earth rocks in many ways. Compared to Earth rocks, Moon rocks have little water trapped in their crystals. Clay, commonly found in Earth rocks, is totally absent in Moon rocks. If you held a Moon rock in your hand, you would notice that it looked different. The Moon rocks are covered with tiny craters from meteoroid impacts; on the Moon, these tiny meteorites beat into the rocks like tiny bullets. On Earth, small meteorites explode from the friction with the atmosphere -- which demolishes tiny meteoroids, and thus they could only reach the surface of a planetary body with very little or no atmosphere, like the Moon.

    On the other hand, what about the evidence presented by those who argue that NASA did not go to the Moon? What hard evidence do they have? Where are their thousands of witnesses? Is there internal integrity to the evidence offered by their witnesses across time and place? Does the testimony they offer make sense? No -- it sounds more like an April Fool's prank.

    It is April Fool's Day again, and tricksters are going to try to fool some people. But, don't let a Moon Hoax trickster fool you. NASA really did go to the Moon! The number of witnesses, the consistent accounts, the surviving space ships, the space program artifacts, the Moon films, and the Moon rocks are powerful proof that the NASA's trips to the Moon were real.


    All of the above taken from:
  5. It just goes to show that sometimes intelligent people aren't very smart, and that being intelligent is not the same thing as being wise.
  6. "Another so-called NASA "mistake" is a photo of two astronauts and their shadows. In one scene, shadows are going in slightly different directions; does this prove that lighting came from two electric lights? Actually, there is another explanation; the surface of the Moon is not smooth and even. In the questioned picture, one astronaut is uphill, on a slope, while the other is on a flat area. Experiment with this yourself and see what you discover."

    This is one of the most commonly sited "reasons" to support the hoax and it is also the funniest in that it's easy to debunk (you can even do it at home!) and shows the utter and complete ignorance of Moon-hoax theorists.

    Go into a darkened room and turn on two lamps. How many shadows are you casting? How many shadows are the astronauts casting in the "fake" picture?
  7. yeah,, wouldn't it be fairly easy to photograph the flag that was planted on the moon? granted, it probably only survived a few days, maybe a few weeks, that would be pretty solid proof that someone was actually there.

    besides, if you've ever seen superman II, you'd know that americans have been on the moon for sure.

    but seriously, it would've been too difficult to keep everyone quiet about the fact that the landing was faked. plus the russians would've learned if we had faked it, no doubt, and broadcasted it for the world to see and hear.