Buying illegal drugs online

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Maverick74, Oct 25, 2003.

  1. Maverick74


    Is this for real? Are you telling me you can buy illegal drugs online from this Mexican Pharmacy? We are talking Steroids, Valium, Vicadin, Morphine, Oxnycontin and more. How can they ship controlled substances into this country? This stuff is dirt cheap too. They'll even hook you up with a prescription. Unreal.
  2. I doubt there is any real "prescription" going on here.
  3. Oh no! Better get your Neocon politicians to take more of our money by force, and divert more resources away from fighting real crime. Maybe you can create a new government department to open and search all our mail. Just say you're doing it 'for the children'.


    The Libertarian Party asks:

    Should We Re-Legalize Drugs?
    Libertarians, like most Americans, demand to be safe at home and on the streets. Libertarians would like all Americans to be healthy and free of drug dependence. But drug laws don't help, they make things worse.

    The professional politicians scramble to make names for themselves as tough anti-drug warriors, while the experts agree that the "war on drugs" has been lost, and could never be won. The tragic victims of that war are your personal liberty and its companion, responsibility. It's time to consider the re-legalization of drugs.

    The Lessons of Prohibition
    In the 1920's, alcohol was made illegal by Prohibition. The result: Organized Crime. Criminals jumped at the chance to supply the demand for liquor. The streets became battlegrounds. The criminals bought off law enforcement and judges. Adulterated booze blinded and killed people. Civil rights were trampled in the hopeless attempt to keep people from drinking.

    When the American people saw what Prohibition was doing to them, they supported its repeal. When they succeeded, most states legalized liquor and the criminal gangs were out of the liquor business.

    Today's war on drugs is a re-run of Prohibition. Approximately 40 million Americans are occasional, peaceful users of some illegal drug who are no threat to anyone. They are not going to stop. The laws don't, and can't, stop drug use.

    Organized Crime Profits
    Whenever there is a great demand for a product and government makes it illegal, a black market always appears to supply the demand. The price of the product rises dramatically and the opportunity for huge profits is obvious. The criminal gangs love the situation, making millions. They kill other drug dealers, along with innocent people caught in the crossfire, to protect their territory. They corrupt police and courts. Pushers sell adulterated dope and experimental drugs, causing injury and death. And because drugs are illegal, their victims have no recourse.

    Crime Increases
    Half the cost of law enforcement and prisons is squandered on drug related crime. Of all drug users, a relative few are addicts who commit crimes daily to supply artificially expensive habits. They are the robbers, car thieves and burglars who make our homes and streets unsafe.

    An American Police State
    Civil liberties suffer. We are all "suspects", subject to random urine tests, highway check points and spying into our personal finances. Your property can be seized without trial, if the police merely claim you got it with drug profits. Doing business with cash makes you a suspect. America is becoming a police state because of the war on drugs.

    America Can Handle Legal Drugs
    Today's illegal drugs were legal before 1914. Cocaine was even found in the original Coca-Cola recipe. Americans had few problems with cocaine, opium, heroin or marijuana. Drugs were inexpensive; crime was low. Most users handled their drug of choice and lived normal, productive lives. Addicts out of control were a tiny minority.

    The first laws prohibiting drugs were racist in origin -- to prevent Chinese laborers from using opium and to prevent blacks and Hispanics from using cocaine and marijuana. That was unjust and unfair, just as it is unjust and unfair to make criminals of peaceful drug users today.

    Some Americans will always use alcohol, tobacco, marijuana or other drugs. Most are not addicts, they are social drinkers or occasional users. Legal drugs would be inexpensive, so even addicts could support their habits with honest work, rather than by crime. Organized crime would be deprived of its profits. The police could return to protecting us from real criminals; and there would be room enough in existing prisons for them.

    Try Personal Responsibility
    It's time to re-legalize drugs and let people take responsibility for themselves. Drug abuse is a tragedy and a sickness. Criminal laws only drive the problem underground and put money in the pockets of the criminal class. With drugs legal, compassionate people could do more to educate and rehabilitate drug users who seek help. Drugs should be legal. Individuals have the right to decide for themselves what to put in their bodies, so long as they take responsibility for their actions.

    From the Mayor of Baltimore, Kurt Schmoke, to conservative writer and TV personality, William F. Buckley, Jr., leading Americans are now calling for repeal of America's repressive and ineffective drug laws. The Libertarian Party urges you to join in this effort to make our streets safer and our liberties more secure.
  4. Maverick74


    Hey Reardon Metal, we have already had this lame legalize drug thread OK. It kind of wore itself out. I only posted this because I can't understand how it can be that easy for me to just get on the net and order Oxnycontin. Afterall, if it was this easy Rush Limbaugh wouldn't have had to meet his housekeeper in the parking lots to pick up supplies. He could have just had UPS ship it to his front door. What am I missing here? Is it really this easy to purchase controlled substances? Or this a sham?
  5. I'm going to ring in here and offer some feedback on this. I know for a fact that you can order basically any drug online. I've been in that scene before (through friends, not myself) and I've learned a lot about how this entire thing works. Customs does check things from overseas, but they cannot check everything obviously. If you are caught importing an FDA scheduled drug, they will confiscate it and send you a letter reminding you about such and such laws, etc -- and giving you a means to appeal (to get your package back) by showing proof of valid prescription, etc. If you never had a valid subscription, then this is where you shut up and let the matter drop.

    Also, apparently some (few) oversea online prescription filling pharmacies will resend or refund if your package is seized.

    I doubt you'll find baby blue's easily, but 10's and 20's do exist.

    This of course are all things that I've heard through the grapevine, although I've never done anything illegal myself of course.
  6. I love a lot of things about the Libertarian Party, but they really need to update their website. Kurt Schmoke hasn't been mayor of Baltimore for awhile now.
  7. a) It is Oxycontin (Oxycodeine). Oxy's come in 10, 20's, 40's and 80's. I do believe there used to be a 160 but I'm not sure if that is still made by Purdue Pharma.

    b) Rush was probably just covering his ass. Besides, rich people usually get others to buy and pick up their groceries -- it doesn't mean they don't know where the store is.

    c) Yes, it is easy to purchase controlled substances if you are resourceful. Kind of like selling OTM naked options, though -- sooner or later you're going to get busted (or go bust).

  8. Excuse my ignorance. What is Oxycontin?

  9. The latest issue of Forbes has a marijuana leaf on the cover and an article supporting its legalization. Suprisingly, Steve Forbes is against it!
  10. It is possible to stop most drug addiction in the United States within a very short time. Simply make all drugs available and sell them at cost. Label each drug with a precise description of what effect--good and bad--the drug will have on whoever takes it. This will require heroic honesty. Don't say that marijuana is addictive or dangerous when it is neither, as millions of people know--unlike "speed," which kills most unpleasantly, or heroin, which is addictive and difficult to kick.

    For the record, I have tried--once--almost every drug and liked none, disproving the popular Fu Manchu theory that a single whiff of opium will enslave the mind. Nevertheless many drugs are bad for certain people to take and they should be told about them in a sensible way.

    Along with exhortation and warning, it might be good for our citizens to recall (or learn for the first time) that the United States was the creation of men who believed that each man has the right to do what he wants with his own life as long as he does not interfere with his neighbor's pursuit of happiness (that his neighbor's idea of happiness is persecuting others does confuse matters a bit).

    This is a startling notion to the current generation of Americans who reflect on our system of public education which has made the Bill of Rights, literally, unacceptable to a majority of high school graduates (see the annual Purdue reports) who now form the "silent majority"--a phrase which that underestimated wit Richard Nixon took from Homer who used it to describe the dead.

    Now one can hear the warning rumble begin: if everyone is allowed to take drugs everyone will and the GNP will decrease, the Commies will stop us from making everyone free, and we shall end up a race of Zombies, passively murmuring "groovie" to one another. Alarming thought. Yet it seems most unlikely that any reasonably sane person will become a drug addict if he knows in advance what addiction is going to be like.

    Is everyone reasonably sane? No. Some people will always become drug addicts just as some people will always become alcoholics, and it is just too bad. Every man, however, has the power (and should have the right) to kill himself if he chooses. But since most men don't, they won't be mainliners either. Nevertheless, forbidding people things they like or think they might enjoy only makes them want those things all the more. This psychological insight is, for some mysterious reason, perennially denied our governors.

    It is a lucky thing for the American moralist that our country has always existed in a kind of time-vacuum: we have no public memory of anything that happened before last Tuesday. No one in Washington today recalls what happened during the years alcohol was forbidden to the people by a Congress that thought it had a divine mission to stamp out Demon Rum and so launched the greatest crime wave in the country's history, caused thousands of deaths from bad alcohol, and created a general (and persisting) contempt for the laws of the United States.

    The same thing is happening today. But the government has learned nothing from past attempts at prohibition, not to mention repression.

    Last year when the supply of Mexican marijuana was slightly curtailed by the Feds, the pushers got the kids hooked on heroin and deaths increased dramatically, particularly in New York. Whose fault? Evil men like the Mafiosi? Permissive Dr. Spock? Wild-eyed Dr. Leary? No.

    The Government of the United States was responsible for those deaths. The bureaucratic machine has a vested interest in playing cops and robbers. Both the Bureau of Narcotics and the Mafia want strong laws against the sale and use of drugs because if drugs are sold at cost there would be no money in it for anyone.

    If there was no money in it for the Mafia, there would be no friendly playground pushers, and addicts would not commit crimes to pay for the next fix. Finally, if there was no money in it, the Bureau of Narcotics would wither away, something they're not about to do without a struggle.

    Will anything sensible be done? Of course not. The American people are as devoted to the idea of sin and its punishment as they are to making money--and fighting drugs is nearly as big a business as pushing them. Since the combination of sin and money is irresistible (particularly to the professional politician), the situation will only grow worse.

    -Not me... go ahead and make a guess.
    #10     Oct 26, 2003