Buyback Derangement Syndrome

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by Altavest_Erik, Aug 17, 2018.

  1. d08


    So, let me get this straight, borrowing for buybacks is a good strategy?
    Good is bad and light is dark.

    He also suggests buybacks reduce market cap? Logically I would say that it's not the case. Yes, shares are removed BUT the price is inflated.

    What am I missing here?
  2. dozu888


    I posted a few times about the Fed Model.... these things are related... when you can borrow for x% to buy something that yields y%, it will work as long as x < y... and right now the bond yields are still way too low compared to equity earning yields..

    stocks are dirt cheap here... it's not derrangement... it's simply money flows to the best value.

  3. Well they do reduce market cap over time of course. As more and more money comes out of the company, over the long haul share price will have to drop to reflect dwindling corporate assets. There can be temporary deviations based on other factors, but imagine a company that keep buying back it s stock until it has paid out every single dollar of assets and has nothing left. Any remains share will have very little if any value and market cap would be virtually nothing at that point.
  4. dozu888



    the reduction of cash on book is compensated by the now higher earnings per share, which should raise the stock price is the P/E remains unchanged.... so in theory buy backs should not affect market cap.
  5. dozu888


    you didn't miss anything, just another garbage article on the internet written by a clueless person.
  6. newwurldmn


    It is if the price of stock is low enough. Though most companies buy back stock when the stock price is high which I think is value destructive.
  7. destriero


    XYZ is running 10% ROC and the shares are flat or down in a year with rising revs, earnings and decent macro. You don't DCA into some buyback program?
  8. d08


    Low/high is quite subjective in my opinion. But we're at highs and buybacks are at record highs, so...