buy MCP here

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by mikeenday, Sep 2, 2011.

  1. mikeenday

    mikeenday Guest

  2. No way,the last pivot high was on 8-31-11 at 58.48 with an average range of 7.2% and $3.98. The suggested accumulation prices are buy point #1 $47.80 and buy point #2 is 41.40. Goodluck if you buy at your price.
  3. Just saying to buy a position at a certain price is not nearly enough information to act on.

    I need answer to these questions before I can consider a purchase.:

    1. why buy MCP at 55.5. What is the driving force in that decision?
    2. do I add to the position or close the position if it goes higher?
    3. do I add to the position or close the position if it goes lower?
    4. when do I close the position?
    5. do I buy the position regardless of what the rest of the market is doing (intraday)?