Buy and hold is back?

Discussion in 'Economics' started by qlai, Jan 31, 2023.

  1. qlai


  2. schizo


  3. Hello qlai,

    Every time I buy or sell, AND hold I lose money.

    Every time I buy or sell, AND not hold, I make money.
  4. qlai


    lol, hold longer :)
    taowave and SimpleMeLike like this.
  5. Good Morning qlai,

    Holding longer is too much physical and emotional and non-rewarded work. SP500 index is for holding longer and forever.

    If you had 100 Kilos of cocaine, would you hold it longer waiting for higher buyer. Nope you suppose sell those 100 kilos to the local buyer who can give you a very instant quick profit. Then you have no emotional burden. You made your money, and wait for the next quick lick.

    Hit a quick lick, so you do not have to worry about shit.