Business Plan

Discussion in 'Trading' started by gaphunter, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. gaphunter


    I have been trading for 9 months now and I read that If I am serious about what I am doing I should put together a Business Plan for my trading business. Since I am in the process of doing just that I was wondering if anyone else out there has also developed a business plan for their trading. If so would you be willing to e-Mail me a copy. I am not looking for content as much as I am format since I am happy with the trading system I have developed.

    Thanks in advance,


  2. google 'business plan pro'. great piece of software.
  3. ddunbar

    ddunbar Guest

    No, not a business plan, but a trading plan which consists of a set of rules for entry, exit, stop loss and money management. How to scale in and out. What time frames to trade. Journal entry methodology. Etc.

    A business plan forecasts profitability which you cannot do.

  4. Hello gaphunter,
    There are different business plans to serve different purposes. Most of what you'll see on the internet and in software packages are designed to help you to present a business plan to outside eyes (for financing reasons).

    For home based traders, a business plan consist of sections for current, short term, and long term
    5.Advantages / disadvantages
    6.Cease operations

    There are sub sections to these, and your overall plan ought to be 20 to 30 pages. The time it takes to put something like this together is usually about 30 to 45 days; it takes a lot of research, both internally and externally.
    The purpose of putting this type of plan together is to create a “higher power”. This higher power guides your actions in your day to day business activities, so it will end up being very personal.

    A huge difficulty in writing this up is keeping projections realistic. Which is where diligent research comes in.

    Here's some links to give you some ideas on constructing your plan.
  5. gaphunter


    Thanks everyone for their replies. I have been working on my plan for some time now in my head and am looking to commit them to paper. Again I appreciate the replies from all.
