Bush's IQ is 125...Obamas is 116!!!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by peilthetraveler, Dec 6, 2008.

  1. He won three states south of the Mason-Dixon, despite being the first black candidate to run for the Dems. That was amazing.
    He won Indiana, which is nuts.
    He even copped an electoral vote out of Nebraska, and I don't think any Dem has managed that since the Goldwater fiasco of 1964.
    His coattails were healthy: the Dems picked up 7 seats in the Senate, and 20 in the House.
    He did all this despite running against probably the only Republican with even a distant chance of winning in this terrible economic environment, because he was the only one they could have run who could truthfully claim to be independent of Bush.
    That's more than enough success.
    #21     Dec 6, 2008
  2. Good grief.

    Republicans - Stop whining and get your act together for '12. You nominated a candidate who wasn't willing to do what was necessary. The Republicans didn't deserve to win.

    Democrats - Stop gloating and hope your boy doesn't fuck this country up beyond repair. He won not because of his record (he doesn't have one, remember?), but because he was simply not the Republican candidate. In addition, he is a fine orator (when the monitors are working), and the fact that there were more of you who didn't give a shit about his character and background than there were those who did give a shit. If you did give a shit about his character, his relationships with Wright et al would have mattered to you.

    Personally, I hope he's going to prove that the tens of millions who didn't vote for him (including myself) are dead-wrong about him, and he will do great things for this country.
    #22     Dec 7, 2008

  3. you're a fucking republicon cock-sucking faggot.

    by default we all know you are a habitual liar. All republicons by definition are liars.

    However, the confirmation that you are a liar, comes from the fact that obama graduated maga cum laude from harvard law school.

    which translates to a minimum IQ of 130 or higher.

    The only retards around here are bush and you.
    #23     Dec 7, 2008
  4. So how can you tell anything about Obama than? Sorry you walked into that one.

    Bottom stupid presidential debate line is that both McCain and Obama were horrible candidates.

    If McCain could levitate in front of people he still couldn't convince the people in front of him that he was levitating because his damn persuasive argumentative skills are so poor i wished my retarded dog was in his spot.

    Obama is the ultimate hype artist of the century and he will soon dwindle and become the puppet of the party.

    If anyone thinks Obama is going to be a strong, decisive leader than just look at him keeping the right happy with his foreign policy team.

    Obama will receive larrrgggee amounts of contempt.
    #24     Dec 7, 2008
  5. Republicans and libertarians tend to be smarter and well informed than liberals.
    #25     Dec 7, 2008
  6. Oy vey...

    #26     Dec 7, 2008
  7. I'm not disputing this, but I am just wondering what your source is for it and if it has been substantiated.
    #27     Dec 8, 2008
  8. #28     Dec 8, 2008
  9. That's more well informed, BTW.

    So, that would make you...

    #29     Dec 8, 2008
  10. Libertarians are the smartist in terms of IQ, but their economic views regarding isolationsim, protectionism, gold standard, abolishment of fed are all wrong. Same for paleo conservatives. George Bush wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer but his economic poilicies were spot on.
    #30     Dec 8, 2008