Bush, Worst President Of Last 50 Years?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AAAintheBeltway, Apr 7, 2006.

  1. FredBloggs

    FredBloggs Guest

    what planet are you from?

    uk international popularity has fallen in the tip since we went into this fuck up we call a war (as has americas - but they dont give a damn, cos most of america thinks usa is 'number one' still lol - usa! usa!!! USA!!!!).

    sinse the uk joined americas campaign to evaporate the arabs on behalf of the israeli powers that be in the usa, we have seen an unprecedented rise in terrorist activity on our soil. thanks!

    so i dont think bush is working to protect the uk at all. he is working to screw us over - just as he is screwing usa over. hes too thick to care or notice of course.

    the uk is partly to blame as blair is a fuck up also. the uk must take some responsibility, but bush is the ring leader.
    #41     Apr 9, 2006
  2. Buy1Sell2


    These are funny posts. Please continue them.
    #42     Apr 9, 2006
  3. maxpi


    Bush's presidency might be one of the best. History will tell us. Rudderless liberals are sure a much worse way to go. What did Clinton do? He took the word terror out of the press's vocabulary, I looked for it all that time, it never appeared. He appeased Muslims every way he could think of including the Bosnia military conflict. "Do nothing and you cannot be criticized" is the liberal agenda and when not in power it's "hate Bush". You have to be nuts to get suckered into that kind of leadership. John Kerry repeated endlessly that he had a "plan" for everything but he never said what it was. How could people vote for that mushy stance? On emotion, that's how. His plan was to turn all problems over to trial lawyers basically, try Al Qada in the world court, try big corporatons in the US courts, try every off the wall racism lawsuit in the local courts, it's nothing but trial lawyers all the way with Democrats. They should get some back bone and tell us what they stand for but gee.. then they really would never get elected would they?
    #43     Apr 9, 2006
  4. I strongly supported Bush in his first term, and feel justified.

    I agree with Pabst that most of us have no idea how close we came to a global meltdown and depression ][. Tax cuts, interest rates down to zero, massive government spending, and perhaps even the iraq war were measures to counter that. While, if true, I'm not wild about the last, I'm firmly in agreement with the first 3.

    I think the neocons got ahead of themselves and believed they would make the world safe for american style democracy and chose iraq to prove their point. Too bad it didn't work out like we planned - the war was well done, but americans are always bad at occupation. We messed that up, and now Iraq will be a quamire for quite some time. Hopefully, we learn from that mistake.

    IMHO, other countries have WOEFULLY underestimated our military capabilities. This could be their downfall (e.g. Iran) if they choose to exercise their options foolishly. A major strike on US homeland with significant casualties (CBNW) would solve enlistment problems in the army and ensure that most of the mideast remains occupied as colonies for the next 50 years.

    But this second term has been a mess of partisanism, cronyism, and outright law breaking. The payment party keeps on going, and its more obvious than ever that the government is for sale. Every major initiative Bush has introduced - social security reform, tort reform, any sort of cohesive energy policy,offshore drilling, etc... has died. He is so unpopular, republicans are distancing themselves from him in order to stay elected. There may be a BIG surprise in the upcoming midterm elections, particularly if the dems get a clue (which they don't seem to).

    IMHO, LBJ was easily the worst president although JFK might have been dangerous if he had remained in office longer. His 'great society' and disastrous Vietnam policy seal his fate. At least he didn't get us into a nuke war with the USSR - that much you can say.

    Say what you want about Nixon - he was a crook, but he has more to do with why you can buy cheap goods at wal mart than fighting the red chinese.

    Bush 2 is more likely to be remembered as a Taft than as a Warren Harding, although with 3 more years, we might find ourselves on the other side of that equation.
    #44     Apr 9, 2006
  5. Buy1Sell2


    no--we are just in the infancy of this iraq move and it will and is working out. Patience please.
    #45     Apr 9, 2006
  6. Buy1Sell2


    False--history will look back on this administration as being one of the most "do something" administrations in history. Keep in mind that the liberal bias in the media makes it appear that this is do nothing and crooked. It is not.
    #46     Apr 9, 2006
  7. You are whacked and clearly do not pay attention. Just go tune in Rush, Hannity et al and drool away the day in your personal little la la land.


    #47     Apr 9, 2006
  8. Your blind, unwavering, facts and logic defying faith is an inspiration to the rest of us.
    #48     Apr 9, 2006
  9. Whole lotta denial going on among the ET Bush supporters.....

    While Rome burns, they blame the fire.....
    #49     Apr 9, 2006
  10. Pabst


    Given that Blood Trader, LoZZer and doodoo are Soviet style communists who root for the destruction of capitalism, I ignore virtually any view they have.

    Doodoo please tell us greedy traders what it's like to live large on a government pension paid for with our tax dollars.
    #50     Apr 9, 2006