Bush pisses off 9/11 victims trying to get re-elected...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bungrider, Mar 4, 2004.

  1. I have said numerous times that Tenet should have been canned immediately upon Bush taking office. Now Bush continues to suffer because of this political hack, who was a Democrat Senate staffer before Clinton appointed him DCI. This is the price of dithering. Now it will look like Bush is punishing Tenet for giving truthful testimony that reflected badly on the administration.

    Avoiding the kind of grade school questions posed by pompous idiots like Kennedy and Levin is something any remotely capable bureaucrat can do in his sleep. Think Alan Greenspan. Instead, this Democrat appears to be so unnerved by the questioning that he blurts out damaging revelations about his bosses. Sorry, anyone who has had lunch on K Street can smell this one a mile away.
    #111     Mar 10, 2004
  2. What your smelling is the rot from the Bush administration...better get your nose out of there!


    #112     Mar 10, 2004
  3. No, that's a different smell. I'm not crazy about it either.
    #113     Mar 10, 2004
  4. Magna

    Magna Administrator

    While I don't disagree with you that Tenet should have been canned, he wasn't. And that's the sole responsiblity and fault of the man at the top, Bush. I find it strange, however, that you're not addressing the fact that in Senate testimony he just called the Vice President of the United States a big fat liar!! Instead, you ignore that little inconvenience and focus on his background, that he was a Democrat Senate staffer. Not just in this post. But in every single one of your posts regarding Tenet. Over and over and over. Maybe, just maybe, the important facet of his testimony is not that he was formerly a Democrat Senate staffer, but that Mr. Cheney was lying thru his teeth once again to forward his preemptive war agenda.
    #114     Mar 10, 2004
  5. His background is very relevant to his credibility. That's my whole point. Cheney was Sec. of Defense and a Congressman. He doesn't need Tenet to explain things to him. And someone with Tenet's experience wouldn't get tripped up by windbags like Kennedy and Levin. He deliberately backstabbed Cheney and everyone knows it.

    You are making a mistake in thinking what Cheney said was important. No one cares what he said. But when the DCI comes to the Hill and pisses on the White House, everyone sits up and pays attention.
    #115     Mar 10, 2004
  6. Cheney is the puppetmaster and a very dark and secretive one at that. We'll never know all the facts, not that that is anything new.

    In Suskind's book about O'Neill it's clear that Cheney and Bush had their war plans for Iraq from the very beginning and all was orchestrated to that end. 9/11 was a huge help for them in this enterprise. But they were not about to let the truth interfere with their plans.

    #116     Mar 11, 2004