Bush lawyers off the hook for torture policy

Discussion in 'Politics' started by kut2k2, Feb 20, 2010.

  1. 1) You assumption everyone will end up confessing by their own will=fantasy. It does not matter that SOME prisoners will, these are hardcore individuals (they are willing to blow themselves up), so they may not... then what do we do? My point is are our lives more important than some individual being tortured, I certainly think so.

    2) You don't understand, I am entirely indifferent as to why we are in Iraq, I DO NOT think Bush lied to us, we ARE fighting al-qaeda in Iraq, that is a fact. Should we have done nothing after radical muslims murdered 3000 of our citizens on our own soil? If u think we should have, then what else can we do against an enemy that belongs to no country?

    3) already addressed

    You have already changed the subject, so I am gonna get back on topic. I can't believe any American thinks we should be prosecuting our own because they are waterboarding terrorists. As previously stated I don't care about the methods involved, so torture should be a last option to extract info from murdering radical scum that wont talk, cause it could save American lives.

    So let me ask u the obvious: If you knew that u had a high ranking radical, and you have intel on an imminent attack on the US, but he wont talk- what would you do?
    #11     Feb 21, 2010
  2. kut2k2


    Your assumption that every arrestee has something to confess = fantasy. You think that just because they have nothing to say, that torture will magically make them divulge useful intel that they may have no knowledge of in the first place displays a very immature mindset. The fact that a great many Gitmo inmates were eventually released with no charges ever brought against them, despite torture forcing them to "confess", should be a big red flag. But you've fallen for the '24' fairytale of torture always being appropriate and effective at gaining useful intel.
    We were in Afghanistan dealing with the radical Muslims (the Taliban) who aided and abetted al-Qaeda. Bush then drove us into Iraq for entirely bogus reasons that had nothing to do with 9/11 or al-Qaeda. Yes, it's obvious that you are entirely indifferent as to why we are in Iraq because you make no sense on the topic. You're like a small child throwing a tantrum and flailing out at every other child on the playground despite the fact that only one other child hit you. We got attacked by al-Qaeda, we hit back at his friends the Taliban, then Bush and Cheney do something totally insane by shifting our focus to Iraq which had nothing to do with 9/11, and this is just fine with you. Hell, why not invade Saudi Arabia while we're at it? Why not invade every Muslim country in the Middle East? After all, we're angry, and being angry justifies us acting like complete psychos, right? The war in Iraq has cost us trillions, not to mention a needless waste of lives and good will all over the world. But that's OK because we're mad and being mad justifies acting like an imbecile.

    No need for me to waste more time on your last point, you've proven yourself immune to reason. You like torture, whether it "works" or not. You trivialize waterboarding because you have no fucking clue what it's like to undergo that. You probably buy into the insane Fredo Gonzales definition of torture as only being something that results in organ failure or death. No point wasting more time on this subject.
    #12     Feb 21, 2010
  3. This phony "ethics investigation" was the left's pathetic attempt to conjure up a show trial in its preferred venue, some corrupt and biased state bar association, probably California. The people who should be investigated are the attorneys from the Justice Department's Office of Professional Ethics who participated in this sham.

    The left in this country has an agenda. Part of it is to destroy anyone who opposes them. Destroying these two prominent lawyers would have sent a chilling message to any other professionals who contemplated doing the right and courageous thing.

    What exactly were the so-called "torture" techniques approved by these memos? Slapping , sleep deprivation, uncomfortable positions, carefully controlled waterboarding. Nothing life-threatening, inhumane or permanently debilitating. Most normal Americans would say that is the very least we should have been doing to terrorists in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 when the Clinton administration's weakness on security left us both exposed and in the dark about what these animals were planning.

    At some point people are going to get serious about fighting terrorism in this country, but it will probably take another 9/11 scale event for it to happen. For now, we have committed leftists like Obama and Eric Holder, who think terrorists whould be treated like domestic criminal suspects, running things.
    #13     Feb 21, 2010
  4. I can't believe that you are calling me immune to reason, while not even addressing anything that I've said. I NEVER said every detainee has something to confess... never said it, nor did I imply it. Just as I haven't said anything that u accuse me of such as "you like torture". This is just more of your bullshit, I don't think your that stupid sooo... your a liar. Anyone can take things out of context and change the subject etc, but you can't even answer the simple question that I asked at the end of my last post.

    So I ask again: If you had an al-qaeda operative in custody and reliable intel that there was an imminent attack on the US, but this prisoner won't talk, is torture acceptable?

    If u can't answer this simple hypo or at least stick to your OWN topic, then I'm finished with this thread.
    #14     Feb 21, 2010
  5. kut2k2


    Your whole premise is unrealistic, something straight out of a mediocre TV show like 24. If you have "reliable intel" of "an imminent attack", why the hell can't your "reliable source" give you complete details? This is a childish what-if, it never occurs in the real world. And torture won't get you the info from a jihadist determined to hurt us. It WILL get you lies that will waste time and resources while the real threat goes unabated.

    This thread is a fascinating window into the sick minds of ET righties. You lot want to torture no matter what counter-evidence you're given that it doesn't work and is morally indefensible. Very revealing.
    #15     Feb 21, 2010
  6. I have never seen a single episode of 24, have no fascination with torture, and I do not give a shit about your assumptions about me or my beliefs, stop making it so personal.

    It is a HYPOTHETICAL question, excuse the unreal aspect of it and give an answer. Or just tell me that u think torture NEVER works.

    No doubt there are some that would never break, and others who will talk just from being threatened, but every attempt should be made to save American lives. And those whos job it is to perform such inhuman acts should not by prosecuted afterwards to appease people like u. Also where is all of this evidence that you keep referring to? My guess is the Huffington post or some other piece of shit.
    #16     Feb 21, 2010
  7. maxpi


    You are jealous. All the other people have all the fun while you stand on the sidelines whining.. you'll get over it eventually, or not..... no sweat off our balls either way...

    Maybe torture works because if you torture some clown that knows nothing on a false report from another clown.. then people want to cooperate before the old spin the bottle game points to them... CIA people are highly educated folk, calling them torture-happy goons isn't getting you any respect from anybody.. I'd venture a guess that they don't do anything without good reason...

    I tried to listen to your kind of shit on Air America and I just could not, it was all a lot of morons losing respect every day for their slurs, misinformation, stupidity, fake ghetto/ simply wrongheaded-nature... etc.. ad infinitum, ad nauseum.. and Air America was morally, intellectually, and spiritually bankrupt from it's inception, same as all the shit on the left and now it's actually financially bankrupt, go figure...
    #17     Feb 21, 2010
  8. What do you mean dude?
    #18     Feb 22, 2010
  9. Jeebus what whinebag you are.

    You cry like a women at every turn about every little thing. Will you ever get over it?

    #19     Feb 22, 2010
  10. What a pansy. A typical lefty dick with no balls.

    Run, run, run away from the scary question...
    #20     Feb 22, 2010