Bush in with a bust and out with a meltdown

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Gringinho, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. You gotta understand the big picture to make big money...

    The EURUSD is more than +300 pips from 1.45 now ...
    #51     Sep 22, 2008
  2. Yes, and that is what is called conservative, responsible, protecting and sustained development of an economy.
    #52     Sep 22, 2008
  3. jem


    Just as the gov't is spending like crazy - and hiding the true inflation rate which is probably well over 11% based on previous formulas - see shadow stats..

    The one hedge most american's had against inflation is deflating? Our one antidote to bad politicians and a federal bank is deflating during a period of rapid inflation.

    If you were trying to facilitate a release of sovereignty could anyone have engineered a better mess.

    Is it possible there has been a forked plan for take over.

    Try socialism - but if that doesn't work engineer a financial trap.
    #53     Sep 22, 2008
  4. jem


    the previous post was meant to point out that - it is possible that GWB could be an idiot and at the same time - he served his father's and their globalist allies perfectly.

    I am not longer soley concerned about the goals of the left and who their real masters are... I suspect the right and the left have the same goals and masters.

    Both sides seem to do a great job at diminishing freedoms, liberty, established cultural values, power and net worth.

    Do I have proof the conspircy theorists are right about tril lateral commissions and eastern elites?

    Am I am sure that the Fed, oil, finance, and major industries are controlled by a limited number of families?

    I am sure that the military industrial complex is really out to bankrupt the people and enrich their own pockets by sponsoring a climate of distrust, terrorism or war?

    No - but should I be concerned that some anti fed conspiracy types gave the blueprint for this meltdown years ago.

    Should I be concerned that a former floor trader from chicago sat in my office and predicted what is happening and even told me why it will happen this way.

    Once again my point is - if this looks like the perfectly storm... this could be a engineered and be prepared for an assault on our liberty.
    #54     Sep 22, 2008
  5. The "smart" old-money yelled: "Don't rock the boat!"
    They opposed the fanatical Neocons introduction, and the other old-money (mainly paleocons) supporting them.

    Smart old-money like George Soros etc.

    However, the Neocon ideology is that they - and only they - are equipped to lead. So they intervene strengthened on their radical ideas that they are the "rightful elite" (cognitive elite, managerial class) everywhere - politics, society, economy, abroad ...

    I have mentioned this earlier, but the US population were "as under a spell" or enthralled by the rhetoric of the Neocon priesthood as they were bewildered after the 9/11 attacks. The same thing happened in Germany after they started becoming a player in geopolitics and resulting in WWI - then WWII after their second trauma (of WWI loss). Naomi Klein in her book The Shock Doctrine explains this phenomenon of intentionally creating shocks to exploit the psyche of the population.

    Just like in Germany - the population shed themselves of all responsibility afterwards.
    Rejecting old beliefs and dysfunctional systems is part of the "healing process" - adaption , evolution and progress.

    Just like in boot camp - being molded into something else... and yes, I AM saying Bush was the Hitler persona of our generation.

    That is IT in a nutshell.

    Conspiracy theories are futile they are a false dichotomy or oxymorons.
    You need to look at systems with neutrality - see how they are working, the current situation.
    Then you look at the interactions - direct and influences/support.
    Then you get a clear picture about systemic BIAS.
    The systemic bias is a form of corruption, exploitation of systems.

    You don't need to go any further than that - just analyse situations and systems - that will get you very far.
    See the systems science links and other stuff on deductive system etc.

    I CANNOT stress the importance of NOT being reductionist and NOT applying Occam's razor... they should be avoided.
    A neutral systems analysis is democratic and egalitarian of all influences - not censoring in its nature.
    Censoring/filtering and authoritarian views like reductionism are good for CREATING systems - not in UNDERSTANDING.
    #55     Sep 22, 2008
  6. Anyone who "credits Reagan" for the fall of the Soviet Union is a narrow in thought loser. Period.


    #56     Sep 22, 2008
  7. The end of the Cold War meant socioeconomic common sense - there was rightly a peace dividend.
    In other words it was getting to a more balanced state in relations - and end of hostilities made perfect sense to everyone.

    That is just human nature, and evolution on a larger scale.
    #57     Sep 22, 2008
  8. jem


    Ok zzz rank the top 10 in order of importance...
    try not to forget that John Paul the II may have nearly bankrupted the Catholic Church helping fund polish anti communist forces.

    My list goes
    John Paul II
    Gorbachev (being forced to make good but quite creditworthy decisions)

    I can explain it too.

    What do you have.

    Remember the soviet economy had been mis allocating resources for years - what actually triggered the reliquishment of power by the old russian guard. Why and how had they lost so much face or actual power that they peacefully put up with the breakup?

    Tear down that wall anyone?
    #58     Sep 22, 2008
  9. Wars are not won via one battle...

    The myopic Reaganlovers denigrate all the efforts made since the beginning of the cold war.

    #59     Sep 22, 2008
  10. ak15


    There is an 'oreo cookie' imposter in their midst and stands exposed. LOL.
    #60     Sep 22, 2008