bush hypocrisy

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bigarrow, Jun 29, 2013.

  1. piezoe


    Bush did incalculable harm to the U.S. Obama perpetuates the harm and makes it worse. Neither man is entirely responsible; neither man has been able to alter the Ship of State's course. So far as we know neither tried. They both told us we were headed in the wrong direction and then, once in office, acted as though the compass heading was just fine.

    Both have been a dreadful disappointment to the nation, but Obama the more so, because of the high hopes we had for him after the disastrous Bush presidency.

    My wild guess is that when fifty years from now historians look at these two presidencies they will conclude that the H.W. Bush Presidency was one of the most disastrous in the nations history and the Obama Presidency, while it might have had a few worthwhile achievements had its efforts not been stopped, or their effectiveness ruined, by the opposition, was nevertheless dominated by further consolidation of power in the executive branch, a hypocritical foreign policy, and continued erosion of the Bill of Rights, marking the beginning of the end of the second Republic.
    #31     Jul 1, 2013
  2. Lucrum


    kudos for the brutal honesty piehole.
    #32     Jul 1, 2013
  3. piezoe


    I've thought this over -- always a potentially dangerous act-- and am now quite sure I am wrong. There is not one prior American Republic but two -- so we are now in the third Republic, not the second, as I incorrectly implied above. The first Republic, the one I failed to recognize, was the one that began with the war against King George that the the French Fleet won for us. That Republic ended with the Constitution of 1787. There followed the second Republic that lasted until the end of our Civil War-- or alternatively, until acquisition of the Philippines in 1898. We are now in the third Republic, or the Republic of the American Empire if you want more accuracy. The zenith of our present day third Republic occupied the period from the Japanese Surrender on the U.S.S. Missouri, September 2, 1945 up through the Kennedy assassination on November 22, 1963. So I really should have said "...marking the beginning of the end of the third Republic," not the second.
    #33     Jul 2, 2013
  4. jem


    its interesting... I have placed the change and potential downfall as starting around the that time as well. The cause I see is the time the U.S. Supreme Ct became leftist and started removing references to god and morality from schools and public institutions. And the leftists were able to change the message of our public institutions from melting pot to diversity.
    #34     Jul 2, 2013
  5. Ricter


    Piezoe, you cast your seeds on barren soil.
    #35     Jul 2, 2013
  6. jem


    its not the soil... its that this soil is fertile and will not accept the recent govt approved gmo crap.

    although piezoe is obviously smart some of his seeds are coming from the left, the govt and the cronies and are genectically modified to cause harm to liberty and common sense.

    The answer is not the progressives are better than the republicans
    The answer is big govt is a danger because it is purchased by interest groups.
    #36     Jul 2, 2013
  7. Ricter


    With this I agree, with the qualification that "too big" of government is a danger (as is too small a government). An effective government, but of a large, complex society, may very well be a big government also.

    So, who has the most purchasing power with government, small money or big money?
    #37     Jul 2, 2013
  8. wjk


    I have concluded this is a rhetorical question, but I'll answer you anyway; They want the small money to think they have purchasing power when seeking votes, but once in power...
    #38     Jul 2, 2013
  9. piezoe


    #39     Jul 2, 2013
  10. pspr


    Are you saying Pie is a gay fudge packer? Not nice, Rectum!
    #40     Jul 2, 2013