bush hypocrisy

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bigarrow, Jun 29, 2013.

  1. kut2k2


    You dare to draw a Mega false equivalency between the handful of guys who died in Benghazy from a terrorist sneak attack with the 5000 who died in Iraq from the Bush war of choice with tens of thousands maimed and wounded and trillions of dollars cost?

    You really are the dumbest righturd to ever pollute this forum. Even peiltheclueless isn't the complete fuckwit that you constantly show your worthless monkeyass to be.
    #21     Jul 1, 2013
  2. kut2k2


    Yo, asshole. The whole reason they lost their limbs was because Bush sent them into a war that completely lacked moral and logical justification.
    #22     Jul 1, 2013
  3. I wouldn't be sad at all if Bill Maher died in a traffic accident. Maybe he will die from AIDS or something. That would be okay too. As long as something shitty happens to the sap then it would make the world a better place.
    #23     Jul 1, 2013
  4. pspr


    Maher is just one of a long list of ignorant assholes who populate the left. The list stretches all way from comedians to our current president. They should all burn in hell for what they have done to our country.
    #24     Jul 1, 2013
  5. And each one of those "assholes" has a higher IQ than you, peculiar isn't it.
    #25     Jul 1, 2013
  6. pspr


    Once again you say something that you have absolutely no knowledge about and is only wild ass speculation.

    And, we all know just about everyone here has a higher IQ than our local ignorant roofer.
    #26     Jul 1, 2013
  7. jem


    I find it interesting that all of sudden jay leno makes the news with a bunch of good Obama jokes.

    Its seem to me these entertainers must feel a strong leftist thought police on the career.

    makes jokes about the right extend your career.

    look at no talents maher and many many others.

    makes jokes about the left end your career.
    #27     Jul 1, 2013
  8. piezoe


    This Glen Greenwald presentation should be of great interest to any of the several regular contributors to this forum who consider themselves to be libertarians. I think you can just skip over Chomsky's remarks with out missing much. He is getting old and rambles. Greenwald, on the other hand, is sharp as a tack. He has shifted his mind into overdrive and has the pedal to the metal. I find extremely insightful his comments near the end re the Jackson preamble at the Nuremberg Trial and how it relates to the U.S. invasion of Iraq. And even more interesting are his remarks regarding the transformation of citizen viewpoints -- a process through which radical changes in long-held, and deeply entrenched citizen views get altered, allowing governments to be lauded for doing things that would have previously been soundly rejected by the populace. (Perhaps the latter comes up in the Q&A segment, can't recall.)

    CaptainObvious, this is especially for you.

    <iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/v1nlRFbZvXI?feature=player_embedded" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
    #28     Jul 1, 2013
  9. I am much less of a Bush supporter now than i was when he was Pres. In fact, i had no problem with either war, or even the Patriot Act at first (due to my own ignorance at the time). And I did make excuses for things I don't believe in, like why he did nothing about the border, or his expansion of govt (dhs etc). On ET i'm pretty sure i defended W and said history would basically exonerate him.. now, im not so sure, although he was absolutely criticized unfairly on certain things.

    I really lost the remaining faith I had in him as President, with tarp. However, to be crystal clear I think W IS A GOOD PERSON, he just wasn't a good leader and I can only speculate as to why. I think guys like Rummy had to much influence on him, the idea of hunting down terrorists turning into 'nation-building' was a perfect example of the hubris afflicting our govt. When we go to war it should be to kill and destroy.. then come home. Not rebuild and have our soldiers babysit a bunch of people who may or may not want us there. Fuck them and their problems.

    Oh and also, I can say neither about obama. He is not only a god damned awful pres, I think/know he is truly a rotten humanoid and whether he was born here or not.. he is no American.
    #29     Jul 1, 2013
  10. Mercor


    At least Bush had an objective. Remove the Saddam regime. Create a beachhead of democracy.

    At this point what Obama is doing in Afghanistan to our soldiers should be murder.
    He has already stated his only objective is to remove US troops in 2014. In the meantime 100's more will lose their lives.

    If Obama plans to throw away Afghanistan take the troops out now and save American lives.
    #30     Jul 1, 2013