Bush declares war with Iran

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ZZZzzzzzzz, Aug 14, 2007.

  1. You probably misunderstood my previous post, the actions of Israel's bombing are meant to terrorize the terrorists (not the people) into submission. I realize you're very sympathetic to their cause and approve of their methods but you should still understand that they are not people, they are terrorists.

    PS How did you manage to hijack your own thread and turn it into another anti-Israel rant? Is that your argument of last resort, when thoroughly spanked you start whining about Israel?
    #31     Aug 15, 2007
  2. This kind of stuff sells at the dailykos, not in polite and rational society.
    #32     Aug 15, 2007
  3. Nonsense. The goal is political to stop the people from supporting the terrorists. It is the support for the terrorists that Israel is trying to influence via their terrorism, they are trying to control and influence politically through military force, as with no support from the people, the terrorists have no refuge.

    You make this point constantly as you rationalize the killing of "human shields." "Human shields" are not terrorists.


    What a fraud...

    #33     Aug 15, 2007
  4. I don't visit dailykos, that must be where you hang...since you claim to know what goes on there.

    So you go visit dailykos because you are rational?


    #34     Aug 15, 2007
  5. Further moral equivalence bullshit from the Master ZZZzztroll Obfuscator.

    This is from the same cesspool of thought that told us that hundreds of innocent people being killed by paroled felons is proof that the parole system works.

    Does it matter to the Zzztroll that Israel targets terrorists, not civilians, does all it can to minimize civilian casualties, and recognizes Lebanon's right to exist, as opposed to Hezbollah's targeting of civilians en masse and stated goal to destroy Israel? Of course not. Why? Because he's an Anti-Semitic, Anti-West, Anti-USA, Anti-common sense moonbat piece of shit.

    Zzzztroll is such an ass, and illustrates it here on a daily basis.
    #35     Aug 15, 2007
  6. I should have clarified - we should have been bombing military targets in Tehran, i.e. Revolutionary Guard installations, military intelligence assets, air defense, etc. Not civilians!!

    I would also posit that we should at the same time hit their oilfields and ratchet up the damage with each passing day that they send arms and expertise into Iraq. The damn British should have done exactly that when their sailors were taken hostage.
    #36     Aug 15, 2007
  7. And another point that I constantly make is that the responsibility for the killing of human shields lies solely on those who use them as human shields. In fact this is not my point, this is the point the Fourth Geneva Convention makes. I know it pains you to hear it but its your Palestinian/Lebanese/Hamas/Hezbollah buddies who have the blood of innocent human shields on their hands.
    #37     Aug 15, 2007
  8. Well, I can see everyone is busy with the us and them name calling, rather than really getting into the meat of invading Iran. Does it really do any good to support an elephant or a donkey instead of Country and our troops?

    We have proven to the world that we are tired, as a Nation, as a Military, and as the World's financial saviour. We are tired and broke, and the whole world knows it.

    One man's terrorist is another man's sovereign military force, again just names and labels. A global view would bring a great number of both labels for all the fighting people on the planet. I have always maintained that the true terrorists are nothing more than criminals, and should be dealt with accordingly Not elevated to such a status that we require our entire military to fight them. Our police forces have done a good job for 200 years, and we fought off the Soviet Union and much more organized and financially sound drug cartels without having our entire way of life interupted by the scare tactics or a, at minimum, ill conceived war in Iraq.

    There will be no winning in Iraq, since we have no way to gauge it. The dems and reps will each blame each other, no matter what.

    When will our elected officials start working for the American people again, instead of the selfish interests of oil and industry? And, no, I don't think God is smiling now about Mr. Bush or anyone else invading other countries. At least not my God.

    What a mess,

    #38     Aug 15, 2007
  9. Exactly. The only thing they understand or respect is force. They have dicked us and the western world around for 28 years. They know all our talk means nothing and is just symbolic of our weakness.

    There is no need to invade them, just as there was no need to invade Serbia. ZZZ and his crowd certainly didn't seem too concerned about civilian casualties then. We can severely degrade Iran's nuclear facilities, we can sink most of their navy, we can take out their gasoline refineries, we can destroy their electric grid and we can take all their TV and radio out of commission. If they continue to make trouble, then we can destroy most of their large mosques, hopefully with the imams inside. End of problem.
    #39     Aug 15, 2007
  10. djxput


    Well Said!

    I agree!

    I think the US governement should:

    1. Lock down the borders - start deportation of illegal aliens and or make them register and go through a process if they want to stay in this country. Kick out the people that do not sign up and want to stay here illegally.

    and when I mean lock down the borders I mean make it so people cant keep sneaking across once they are deported if that means a huge fence with gun wielding guards then so be it.

    2. Get out of freakin Iraq already; let them duke it out. Perhaps keep a small force to keep the oil pumping and to have people stay in the what almost billion dollar embassey that was built in baghdad.

    3. Start working on the US econemy rather then the iraq econemy.

    4. Get rid of Bush already - or do we really need to wait till 2009

    The above is a start
    #40     Aug 15, 2007