bulletproof diet

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by zhaoyun, Mar 8, 2017.

  1. zhaoyun


    hello all,

    did anyone tried this before?

    best regards.

    - zhao
  2. It's not all that different from other "healthy eating" regimens. They all mostly recommend the same "avoids", but emphasize somewhat different "do" items.
  3. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    I tried it and gained fat doing it. My wife tried it on her own about a year later and the same thing happened to her. What people don't understand is that if you remove 250 grams of carbs each day and replace those carbs with 250 grams of bulletproof approved food that is high in fat, you just doubled the number of calories without even realizing it. Why? Because 1 gram of carbs is 4 calories and 1 gram of fat is 9 calories.

    The only way a high fat diet really works is if you are are also on a strict no-carb diet consistently. This behavior forces your brain into a state of ketosis, meaning that the body adapts itself to burning fat for fuel instead of carbs. This can be an effective fat loss tool, but it is NOT the diet you want to be on if you are trying to put on muscle.
  4. Buy1Sell2


    Correct. There are no "essential" carbs is the way I understand it. Some say that your brain will function better on carbs than ketones, but that you don't need carbs to survive. Carbs are what make you fat.
  5. Brain can't function normally on ketones... only glucose.

    It's an excess of calories that make you fat. The interaction of "fast carb" metabolism and insulin/blood sugar is a different issue.

    Simple diet plan... (1) limit calories to amount to maintain weight or lose weight*, (2) get most of your calories from protein, fat, and "slow" carbs, and (3) cut down on "fast" carbs. Difficult to eliminate fast carbs altogether.

    *If normal daily calories is 2600, should still maintain 1800 or so when dieting.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2017
  6. Give it a try for a length of time, and then let us know how it works out for you.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2017
  7. Zodiac4u


    Simple carbs or complex carbs??

    I cant imagine giving up foods like fruits, vegetables, peas, beans, and whole-grain products for fear of getting fat?

    Carbohydrates are the main source of blood glucose, which is a major fuel for all of the body's cells and the only source of energy for the brain and red blood cells.