Bull Call Spread

Discussion in 'Options' started by moolah, Jan 22, 2020.

  1. moolah


    Assume i put in the 2 following Bull Call Spread, what is my net profit if my maximum profit is realized and how is it calculated


    Max Profit = 547
    Cost of trade = 454

    Max Profit = 890
    Cost of Trade = 611
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2020
  2. Bum


    Bull Call Spread: (Long 50/Short 60)
    50 Call = $5 ($500)
    60 Call = $2 ($200)
    Cost of Trade = $3 ($300)
    Max Profit = $7 ($700)
    Max Profit = 60-50=10 minus cost of trade (3) = 7

    ***In your examples, "net profit" = "max profit", depending upon your definition of "max profit".
  3. moolah


    'max profit' is extracted from Thinkorswim dialog window.
  4. Bum


    I don't use Thinkorswim but "max profit" = "net profit".
    They get "max profit" the same as example I used above.
    Post the trade you used to get your example if you want an explanation.
  5. moolah



    I believe its $547 - $453 = $94
  6. Bum


    Call Spread = 165/175
    Max Profit = 175-165 = 10 minus cost (4.53) = 5.47 ($547)

    In your picture, price of 165 = 7
    Your showing cost of 180 but cost of 175 must be 2.47
    Cost of trade = 7 minus 2.47 = 4.53 ($453)

    Spread = 10 (175-165)
    Cost = 4.53 (7-2.47)
    Max Profit = 5.47 (10-4.53)
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2020
  7. guru


    The distance between your option strikes is $10, so it’s a $10 spread that can be worth $1000 max. ($10/share x 100 shares)

    While whatever price you pay ($547) is the current cost/value of that spread.

    $547 + $453 = $1000
    So you have potential to make $453 profit and almost double your bet/investment.

    “Max profit” meanz actual profit, not “Max value”.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2020
  8. guru


    His screenshot seems to show 2 different spreads, but the one he’s trying to buy seems to be $165/$175 call spread.