Buick dealer lot one mile away - now empty

Discussion in 'Economics' started by swtrader, Dec 19, 2008.

  1. Omega


    Having sold cars for more than a few years, both foreign and domestic, the market is/was SATURATED with dealerships. Some of them needed to close. It's supply and demand. Customers would work you over for a deal, and if you didn't do it they'd drive to the next dealership and try it. Nothign wrong with competition, but as a corporation, General Motors allowed entirely too many dealerships to exist. But hey what did they care....they were gettign paid the same from the car dealers.

    Lowered the profit per unit to were dealers couldn't survive. Well, that bit them in the ass. Whoops. They killed the golden goose. Phuck 'em.

    Fear and Greed. They got greedy. Now they need some fear for a while.

    #21     Dec 20, 2008
  2. donnap


    Are We Not Men?
    #22     Dec 20, 2008