Buffett and Gates say no correlation

Discussion in 'Politics' started by cgroupman, Jan 26, 2012.

  1. Gates Foundation Agrees to Give $750 Million to Global Fund Gates Foundation Agrees to Give $750 Million to Global Fund.

    I know it's not taxes, but I think the Gates do a pretty good job with their money.


    #31     Jan 27, 2012
  2. Ricter


    You are right, everyone would be a lot more impressed if they went ahead and did it, even once. Except for a bunch of other One Percenters I imagine.
    #32     Jan 27, 2012
  3. Lucrum


    So THIS is why you get no respect here on ET.
    #33     Jan 27, 2012
  4. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Not morality, principle. Not always the same. If Buffet and Gates wanted to be the champions of the "we're rich and believe we should pay more taxes" which is what Buffet has said before, then they should do so - and not just because they're forced to.
    #34     Jan 27, 2012
  5. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    These types of your responses are what I eluded to yesterday, and why you and I can never have good debates like Ricter and I have.
    #35     Jan 27, 2012
  6. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    And the challenge to get millionaires to pay more to charity is in full swing. But then, it wasn't really in doubt all that much anyway, was it.
    #36     Jan 27, 2012
  7. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Sure would leave some one percenters going "well, they put their money where their mouth is", as well as the rest of us.
    #37     Jan 27, 2012
  8. Lucrum


    All these arrogant two faced liberals can write a check any time them want.

    Apparently...they just don't really want to.

    #38     Jan 27, 2012
  9. Brass


    I don't care to debate with someone who is being intentionally obtuse. Unless you go best efforts, I'll just point fingers.

    P.S. Interesting Freudian slip, your use of the word elude, whereas I'm sure you meant to say allude. Yes, I do believe you are eluding simple reality to score nonsensical points. And that's why I returned the favor. And you didn't like it. See how that works?
    #39     Jan 27, 2012
  10. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    You're a prick, pure and simple. You claim that others cannot see your point, yet you make absolutely no effort to see where anyone else is coming from. You figure that if you don't think the response is worthy, it isn't. That's the arrogance you used under Gabfly, Thunderdog and now your new persona.

    Instead of focusing on content and the spirit of what someone is trying to say, you try to point out grammatical or spelling mistakes, leaping at any opportunity to insert what you believe are witty quips, but really offering vapid retorts best left to trolls and sock puppets that are the making of forum participants on par with c-kid.

    You once messaged me privately that participating in the P+R forums had cost you more than you care to admit - and I still have no idea what that meant. All I can hope is that someone of your nature truly experiences more of whatever pain and discomfort you referred to in that pm.

    This forum will be more enjoyable with you on ignore - not because you have differing view points (as you will no doubt attribute it to) but because you are unable to convey those differing viewpoints in any other way apart from attempts at humiliating and insulting the person to whom you are trying to interact with.

    But because I don't want you to to think I simply hung up the phone, I'll be the better man and give you the last word before I hang it up. Then I'll hang it up.
    #40     Jan 27, 2012