Buffet was wrong has now lost millions!

Discussion in 'Trading' started by chaosclarity, Oct 5, 2011.

  1. LOL

    :D :cool: :p
    #31     Oct 5, 2011
  2. Notwithstanding the difference between common and preferred shares, Buffet's position is showing a significant unrealized loss that would get a hedge fund manager fired.

    He averaged down during 08, also.

    Carlos Slim, another billionaire, does know how to trade. He sold a bunch of silver futures at around $48, right around the double top.

    Fundamental analysis works in a bull market. Buffet sells puts, by the way.
    #32     Oct 5, 2011
  3. LEAPup


    Some posts here kill me. Buffet isn't a trader. Apples and oranges...
    #33     Oct 5, 2011
  4. zdreg


    cry me a river and read a biography of einstein for parallels.
    #34     Oct 6, 2011
  5. Why blame the man for being a "failure as a parent"? We all make sacrifices in life. You can't be in two places at once...i.e. at work on the job and at home. It all comes down to the family understanding the father's or mother's role and that they will at times have to take care of themselves.

    Im going to blame Warren for his bad call on Obama and BAC, but Im not going to comment on his parenting abilities. Any job should come first before everything else because that is the hand that feeds. If his son broke his arm, then his son can be a man about it. Should Warren come running dropping everything every time his son gets the slightest bit injured? I sure hope you are not bringing your son up to be weak minded like that...
    #35     Oct 6, 2011
  6. I will also blame Warren for not trusting his family with the money after his death. I find it quite funny that Warren would donate all of his money to people and groups that he doesnt really know and their benefit to society is questionable. For example, when was the last time the American Heart Foundation found a cure for anything? Scientists and doctors find cures...biotech companies find cures, but not these charity foundations.

    If I were Warren, I would teach my family well and teach them how to grow the money. Hand the keys over to them when its time to say goodbye. However, I would not hand the keys over to strangers or charity groups...to what...divide the money amongst the unaccomplished??? I believe Warren's thinking creates more problems then solves...
    #36     Oct 6, 2011
  7. newwurldmn


    It was an interesting fact. Many people make the sacrifice of career for family or vice versa. I guess I was judging him by my own values.

    His son was 6 when it happened - broke his arm playing baseball or whatever and came home crying.
    #37     Oct 6, 2011
  8. newwurldmn


    Another man who did great things. Admiration for accomplishments need not be limited to just one person.
    #38     Oct 6, 2011
  9. newwurldmn


    He bought it through his partnership.
    #39     Oct 6, 2011
  10. newwurldmn


    A lot of those scientists get funding from these charities.

    His inheritance philosphy is odd and inconsistent. He publicly states that one shouldn't give their kids much: "enough to do anything, but not enough they can do nothing" but then lobbied against the death tax (so he could give his money to his wife) and then ended up committing it all to charity anyway.
    #40     Oct 6, 2011