Buffet doesn't see a credit crunch

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Eliot Hosewater, Feb 7, 2008.

  1. He made his choice in an imperfect world. You make yours.

    To his credit, he has made some fairly good choices thus far.
    #51     Feb 8, 2008
  2. LT701


    buffet buffet buffet buffet 'the sage from omaha' buffet buffet buffet buffet folksy buffet buffet buffet buffet buffet buffet
    #52     Feb 8, 2008
  3. Is Buffett an investor, or a market and government manipulator?

    Why is he so interested in keeping The Death Tax?

    Let's see what's in it for Bluffett and his companies.

    When Bluffett smells death, he likes to purchase family owned businesses being forced to sell at bottom prices because they have to quickly pay off The Death Tax. So much for the kids keeping a business in the family that their parents worked so hard to build with the intention of their children being able to keep and run the business. Maybe the kids can get a janitorial job at one of Buffett's companies.

    Families can avoid some of this tax by purchasing policies that are tax free on death from Bluffett's life insurance companies that depend on The Death Tax.

    #53     Feb 8, 2008
  4. the article should be in this issue
    #54     Feb 8, 2008
  5. Don't even get me started. I just called the US PASSPORT information line and the first thing you get is "for English, press one. Para espanol..." For the PASSPORT LINE!!!

    If you can't speak English, you don't deserve a US Passport for Christ's sake!

    Check it for yourself...

    877 487 2778

    I really GOTTA get the F out of this country.
    #55     Feb 8, 2008
  6. jjk2


    hes not a god but hes better smarter richer than you can ever dream of....end of story.

    im sorry if this hurt your feelings.
    #56     Feb 8, 2008
  7. Buffett didn't make all his money off insurance by any stretch of the imagination. If this was true, no one would follow him. But Omaha is a insurance center and so it's no shock he became an expert on the subject and invested heavily in the business.
    #57     Feb 8, 2008
  8. I think some of you guys incorrectly assume having great wealth equates to higher intellect. And I strongly disagree. I could think of plenty examples which show the exact opposite. The President of the US for example isn't considered the sharpest tack in the bunch. But he's quite wealthy. My point being is that; having acquired great wealth only tells you the indivdual was quite fortunate if not down right lucky. Taking advantage of lucruative oppotunities, extorting, manipulating, or even out right stealing isn't intelligence. It's being an opportunist, manipulator, extortionist etc.

    Although I respect Warren Buffet's accomplishments and would be honored to even meet him. I still think he's a bit of a shill for the left. His statement about his tax rate which he pays in constrast to his secretary is bullshit! His wealth is connected to the price of the his stock and all derivatives owned. But, his actually salary is $1. So of course his secrtary pays more in payroll taxes because she make $75K+. Mike Bloomberg does the same thing has mayor of NYC.
    #58     Feb 8, 2008
  9. I have a lot of respect for Buffett.

    As for his opinion on the "credit crunch," he can't be 100% truthful, can he?

    He has a lot at stake, so does Bernanke and the White House, and Goldman Sachs, etc....

    We here on these message boards do not.

    We have the luxury to call it as we see it, because our opinions do not move markets.

    If Buffett, or Bernanke et al made public their true concerns, the market mayhem would accelerate, and their prophecies would not only turn true - but would make matters worse. A shallow recession would be made into a deep recession, a deep recession, into a depression... etc

    Do you really believe that Bernanke thought the subprime problem was "contained" 8 months ago?

    Just because you see an opinion on a forum coming from a guy that is not a millionaire does'nt make his opinion worth less.

    Anyone know the expression: out of the mouths of babes, and drunks?

    Those with less of an interest speak the louder truth.

    We're headed for some major financial problems.... And yes, Buffett has much more money than me, but you know what? I don't have as much to lose either.

    I can cash out of equities and go into gold 100% if I want to and the market barely notices.

    Try doing that with billions.
    #59     Feb 8, 2008
  10. Aaah, truth here. So our billionaires of the world need to keep the masses happy...and the masses keep the billionionaires safe from bankruptcy. From the mouths of babes.
    #60     Feb 8, 2008