Bucket shops????

Discussion in 'Trading' started by omegapoint, Feb 29, 2008.

  1. There is no trackable volume for the fx spot market since it is an interbank market and not a central exchange.
    #21     Mar 1, 2008
  2. They aren't necessarily bucket shops as they were once ago. Similar to what was a bucket shop are the wholesalers that want to see the flow from retail/online bd's that have order flow that may not be as fast or intelligent as their own such as:

    IB- http://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/general/education/faqs/timberhillAutoExeService.php#one

    Citi- http://www.atdesk.com/flash.html

    Knight- http://www.knight.com/

    ELP's is their programs.

    Madoff- http://www.madoff.com/

    old school market makers.

    These are just a few that get flow from non-dma firms. Keep in mind these guys are pretty smart and they are looking in time frames of milliseconds to seconds for scalps. IF not a scalp like ATD, they will use it for other buyside orders that are done internally.

    #22     Mar 1, 2008
  3. Hoodo,

    You may be excused.

    Calling someone names serves no purpose here. Several people have asked the question about what grounds a brokerage house would have to keep you from trading a particular listed security. You’ve simply not answered the question. Going on the attack and calling me names serves no other purpose then to duck the question.

    I simply like to “keep it real” here. Therefore I felt that people who read this thread should know that a broker cannot ban you from trading a particular listed security you’ve been trading through them unless it has to do with your lack of capital. Further more, since they don’t incur losses in your trades why would they give up the commissions?

    Again several people have asked you to tell us why you say you were banned from trading the Q’s by your broker. If for some reason you feel you don’t want to answer that’s fine, but that’s no reason to start with the insults.
    #23     Mar 2, 2008
  4. Actually they can ban if you if they want. Keep in mind the rules for exchanges are written pretty gray and can be interpreted in ways to get rid of flow that is not wanted thereby the rules that are in place.
    #24     Mar 2, 2008
  5. JM

    Sorry but they really cant ban you from trading an individual listed product on an exchange, inless you're in violation of a rule. JM if I am wrong perhaps you can give us an example of how one might get banned from sending orders to a particular exchange or product?

    In the case of this thread hoodo posted that his broker banned him, not any particular exchange. The Q's are listed just about everywhere.
    #25     Mar 2, 2008