Buchanan - Rubio is the shifty Remaiderman

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jem, Feb 5, 2016.

  1. jem



    here is an excerpt...

    And Rubio? He is what columnist Mark Shields called Jimmy Carter, 35 years ago, “the remainderman of national politics. He gets what’s left over after his opponents have taken theirs by being the least unacceptable alternative to the greatest number of voters.”

    Marco is the fallback position of a reeling establishment that is appalled by Trump, loathes Cruz and believes Rubio – charismatic, young, personable – can beat Hillary Clinton.

    But there is a problem here for the establishment.

    While Rubio has his catechism down cold – “I’ll tear up that Iran deal my first day in office!” – his victory would mean a rejection of the populist revolt that arose with Trump’s entry and has grown to be embraced by a majority of Republicans.

    Cruz, Trump, Carson – the outsiders – won over 60 percent of all caucus votes. Their anti-Washington messages, Trump and Cruz’s especially, grew the GOP turnout to its largest in history, 186,000, half again as many as participated in the record turnout of 2012.

    Most significant, 15,000 more Iowans voted in GOP caucuses than the Democratic caucuses, where participation plummeted 30 percent from 2008.

    What does this portend?

    While Iowa has gone Democratic in six of the last seven presidential elections, it is now winnable by Republicans – on two conditions.

    The party must be united. And it cannot lose the fire and energy that produced this turnout and brought out those astonishing crowds of tens of thousands.

    The remainderman, however, cannot reproduce that energy or those crowds. For Rubio is not a barn burner; he is a malleable man of maneuver.

    Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/02/marco-rubio-the-remainderman/#phzS9oC8tSilHoJi.99
  2. and what do we get if the Party wins?
  3. ipatent


    I looked Rubio up on Wikipedia and noticed his brother-in-law appears to be tied to narcotics trafficking. ?????
  4. I looked up Wikipedia on the internet and noticed they appear to be tied to many nefarious activities, opinions, and organizations. Most of the sheeple don't understand who Daniel Webster really was. His famous quote was, "If you can control the definition you can control the world."
  5. achilles28


    Rubio is another establishment neocon. More of the same crap.
  6. That's why we need to elect Hillary. Yes, she's just another tired old neocon, but she is a woman, and that would be change. HOPE AND CHANGE baby, anything that is different. We had a white, we had a black and now all we need is a woman. HOPE THROUGH CHANGE. I go through this everytime I am in a deep drawdown. And the most tempting time for CHANGE is at the very bottom when all HOPE is lost.
  7. achilles28


    If only it were that easy.
  8. Electing a vapid moron would be change. One could argue an improvement. I'd settle for competence at something other than lies and corruption. That does thin the field though. Thins it to zero.
  9. Well, apparently Carson is competent at brain surgery. The problem is, the outsiders retire and start watching tv and think they could easily solve all the obvious problems of the world. And the insiders are too busy raising money to ever just sit and watch tv.
  10. achilles28


    Our problems are really not that difficult to solve. At all. A 10th grader with the right education could do most it. The free market functions best when the Government simply ceases to interfere with it. That's where most of our problems stem from - Government interference with the market economy to benefit special interest groups. You would know all this since you're a Ron Paul Libertarian ;)

    Think about it. Close the border. Deport the illegals. End the drug war. Slash taxes. Penalize offshoring through tariffs. Eradicate ISIS. Legalize the Constitution. End many of the Departments. Return education to the States. That's it, really. There's really not much to do.
    #10     Feb 5, 2016
    fan27, jem and AAAintheBeltway like this.