BTC is killing it right now

Discussion in 'Crypto Assets' started by Lee-me, May 22, 2024.

  1. Lee-me


    Crypto is going wild with the ETF and recent developments in BTC price and the other asset of course followed suit, but for the foreseeable future, what do you think will happen?
    Price correction and another pump?
    Or is this going to be the new price range for a while?
    There is a lot of things going right for Cryptocurrencies right now, so is it possible that it would keep going up so wildly?
  2. $69,000, that’s bullish!
    jys78 likes this.
  3. SunTrader


    .... so widly?

    Haha you haven't follow BTCUSD very long have you?
    TrailerParkTed likes this.
  4. schizo


    As long as it stays above that line, it should be okay. Otherwise, expect more chops.

    Lee-me, jys78 and TrailerParkTed like this.
  5. SunTrader


    Its likely going lower, for a bit (price-wise) and (time-wise) ... soon.
    Lee-me and Big AAPL like this.
  6. GreenBack will keep losing to blue-chip cryptos, AND to the BRICS currency.

    It's a lose-lose situation for US FIAT. Just wait until the next bond-downgrade that's coming. Then watch the real panic start. This is nothing yet...
  7. SunTrader


    Currency BRICS = NBA bricks.

    Pffft give me a break.

    Each of the Mag7 are a larger economy alone than Brazil, South Africa, Brazil, etc.
  8. maxinger


    Sorry about your losses.
    How much were you killed by the BTC?
  9. upload_2024-5-22_19-23-16.png

    Last edited: May 22, 2024
    zghorner and Magna like this.
  10. SunTrader


    Oops .... Brazil, South Africa, India etc.
    #10     May 23, 2024