Brutal MSNBC Moment: Chris Matthews Crucifies Flustered Obama Backer

Discussion in 'Politics' started by seasideheights, Feb 20, 2008.

  1. jem


    All those people making fun of he blue states for electing Bush.

    Now the real idiots are coming out and rallying around a guy who seems to stand for nothing. And his wife is not proud of a single thing America has done in her adult lifetime.

    If hillary wants to be president this is her opportunity of a lifetime.

    Obama stands for change. His wife just revealed how radical that change will be.

    If you wish to trust your country to a couple who thinks like that - vote for him.

    By the way - I don't even like Hillary, but Obama's wife just scared the shit out of me. The only reason I would consider voting for John McCain is the supreme court.
    #21     Feb 21, 2008
  2. self serving ?

    Different times concerning Nixon, he would get off today. The flock of loyal repubs now don't have a spine or any sense of justice or duty to America. I also think this goes for the demos. As bad as Clinton was he was a choir boy when compared to bush.

    LOL - my party ? Them there is fighting words. I don't claim either of the scum bag parties. But the scummiest right now are the repubs.
    #22     Feb 22, 2008
  3. saxon


    In addition to being the quintessential "rude yankee", Chris Matthews is an "old-line, Irish catholic, wink-and-a-nod, the-fix-is-in" Democrat.

    How tiresome...

    I suspect that the real reason Matthews dislikes Obama has nothing to do with his true assessment of Obama's qualifications or accomplishments, but rather the FEAR that the old game is up, and that Obama will dismantle the machine that is so near and dear to Matthew's heart.

    Which (of course) is EXACTLY what is needed in Washington...on BOTH sides of the aisle!

    And as Obama draws nigh unto the White House, ohh how the entrenched bureaucrats and those who love them will begin to squirm!!

    OUT with the FDR populists; and IN with the Jeffersonian rationalists.

    GO Barack.
    #23     Feb 22, 2008
  4. Mathews selects the weak, old and slow witted to torture on TV

    If he had someone like myself for instance on with him, they would have to go to commercial because I would be tearing him a new one every few minutes.......and as I understand it, Chris doesn't enjoy that kind of give and take....

    What you saw in that tape was a kind of Dawinian "natural selection" process at work....brutal to watch, but a necessary part of "nature"....
    #24     Feb 22, 2008
  5. What a fuck up that guy was......he could have DESTROYED hillary and that yapping sidekick and Mathews by sauing: " He didn't support the war in Iraq back then and he doesn't support it now...and what is more important then that:????

    what a dope that guy was......

    What I wonder is this: If OBama wins the nom.........will this come back to haunt CHris Mathews as he attempts to push the liberal agenda??? This would make for a GREAT republican commercial to run in the south and midwest
    #25     Feb 22, 2008
  6. I saw it....and I agree....we are in for some rough, ROUGH times in 2009->2012. Omigosh, he is SUCH A GREAT SPEAKER....but what about his ACTIONS ? No ACCOMPLISHMENTS ? That's HUGE...and speaks volumes for his abilities.
    I told my wife tonight to "batten down the hatches"...the next 5 years are going to be brutal for America.
    #26     Feb 23, 2008
  7. This is all very interesting for me, because frankly I like Dick McCain.

    If by some chance, McCain were to become Prezident I could live with that.

    On the other hand, I like Obama, because there are a number of things about our "system" that I believe he is willing to try to fix, unlike previous politicians (Bill Clinton comes to mind) who were willing to "compromise" and move on without really changing anything...I see Hillary as part of that game...except for the following

    you see Bill Clinton for all his shit, was (and still is in my opinion) a brilliant man, period....he knew how to play the game in ways that the public will never figure out.....Hillary on the other hand is definitely NOT brilliant, in fact, she is more like your next door neighbor's nagging, bitchy, strident, ambitious but frustrated, low IQ wife.

    With her strident high pitched voice, chipmunk cheeks and wide polyester pantsuited ass, she has managed to offend just about every male voter in the country. Even the Latinos, and women who share so many of the same characteristics, are starting to find her much so, that every time she appears she loses votes...a fact that her staff is finding hard to work with....

    As a president, Hillary would be the "mother of all train wrecks". She would be prideful, and full of shit as regards foreign policy, and her method of "fixing" the health care problem (throw money at it) would in a matter of several years, bring this economy to a complete standstill. Why? because she would penalize those unwilling to buy insurance (at still inflated prices) from her buddies in the insurance lobby. Making it mandatory for every American to have insurance is her big pitch. The insurance companies know this and are willing to cooperate up to a point, BUT they want something in return for the many $ they have contributed to her campaign. What they want is to provide that insurance for a price (their price) that will bring every person to their economic knees. You think gas costs a lot now, wait till you have to pay for gasoline and health insurance at similar prices. That would be a one-two punch that would kick most American's asses....But hey, as Hillary is fond of saying, her plan makes sure that every American has insurance.....yeah right....

    Frankly I am going to vote Obama...If by some chance Hillary wins, I am going to change party affiliation and vote McCain..and if the planets line up and Hillary by some cruel twist of fate, gets into the White House, I am taking my money, and my cars, and moving north or south to another jurisdiction, just far enough away so that bitch can't screw with my life....

    Good luck everyone (everyone in Texas and Ohio) as well as the rest of you, you've been warned and you're on your own.

    By the way, I am Steve46 and I approved this constitutionally protected speech as "my opinion only"...there you go...

    #27     Feb 23, 2008
  8. Good post, made me laugh, which I needed today. And I'll be making my way to the polls for early voting here in Texas to put a vote for Obama. I don't know if he is worth a shit or not but I do know I don't like Hillary and what I think she would do as president or McCain and what I think he would do as president. So my vote for right now at least is going for the guy with no background or experience. Remember in the last election Bush had the most experience and look what that got us. This will be the first time I've voted for a Democrat in a national presidential election, I know it's only the primaries but still a first for me.
    #28     Feb 23, 2008
  9. Obama's policies make Hillary look like Ronald Reagan.......
    #29     Feb 23, 2008
  10. mccain's policies make moderates look like goldwater.
    #30     Feb 23, 2008