1. Is there any broker available that offer unlagged data feed of index futures for free or at a nominal rate? 2. Is there any source where we can get the index futures unlagged datafeed for free or at a economic rate? 3. Is there any broker who offer real time technical charts for index futures? 4. What data feed is better in quality and reasonable in price? I want to use it on MetaStock Pro 7. I need also to bring the data for the backlog period if my PC remains down for a while. TIA - Sukhen
http://www.velocitytrade.com/ FREE Hardware FREE Software FREE realtime data feed FREE Squak FREE esignal PLUS........Mentor on the E-mini S&P 500 Futures contract!
People can make their own decisions, but if you are in any way connected with this operation I would run 180 degrees in the opposite direction. They seem to be pretty low on the credibility list if you are pumping/spamming for them.