Broker Suggestion:

Discussion in 'Retail Brokers' started by AlpineTap34, Apr 27, 2002.

  1. I am from Italy. My current broker only lets me short nasdaq stocks intraday. Does anyone know of a broker I could use that would let me short both nasdaq and NYSE stocks AND let me hold them overnight?

    Thanks in Advance
  2. i recommend tradestation securities.

    just have a look. it has great analysis features and unbeatable quotes of the past . back to 20 yrs, intraday back about 2 yrs.

  3. Every serious US broker.

    Qualunque grosso broker americano.
    Unica cosa richiesta: aprire un conto con margine, cosa pressoch¨¨ scontata.
    Io per esempio uso Datek e solo 4 giorni fa sono venduto allo scoperto JPM. Ho chiuso poco dopo, ma nessuno mi impediva di restare corto per altro tempo.

    marco :)
  4. Terra Nova or IB.
  5. hans130


  6. impetus


    Ma che broker del c.... ha usato?
    What's name of your funny broker?