Broadway Trading/Proprietary trading/sponsorship alternatives

Discussion in 'Trading' started by newgradtrader, Aug 31, 2001.

  1. I am a recent grad who has interviewed with Broadway Trading . I was wondering if anyone has experience with them. I have heard rumors that they have let some traders go recently.

    Geography is not an issue with me as I am willing to relocate wherever necessary to begin a career in trading. I do not have the capital necessary to begin on my own and so I am looking for a firm that puts up the capital and allows me to take a draw against future trading profits. I have some experience and am completely dedicated to do what I must to trade as a career as I LOVE everything about the financial markets and trading in general. Does anyone know of similar offices or sponsorship alternatives?
  2. mcvcpa


    Congrats on your recent graduation and on your committment to a trading career. It will be a huge challenge to become consistently successful but offers potential not found in any job/career opportunity. I know of a small prop firm in NYC that is looking for people like you. Email me directly and I will put you in touch with their director of trader recruiting and you can see if there is an opportunity there for you.
  3. You may want to check out as another professional firm to look at, I'm opening an account with them myself next week as remote trader using my own money, but they also bring on proprietary traders to work in their offices using their money.
    You can also check out the following link for Professional Firm discussions here on Elite Trader :