British Banks Are Technically Insolvent

Discussion in 'Economics' started by libertad, Jan 17, 2009.


    It is called Bush/Blair Syndrome....


    Once North Sea Oil is diminished...just what will the Brits sell to the rest of the world ?


    As I mentioned in earlier posts....a developed country is one that has made credit available to the masses via strong property rights ....and basically became credit dependent....

    Obviously....when one accepted this also accepted the higher peaks....and oh yes....lower troughs that go along with it....


    One thing is certain....there will be future peaks....and troughs....and as long as money is being printed....the peaks will get higher....and the troughs lower....

    The booms and busts are still around....and may not be labelled the same....but will always occur....

    Everything in motion inhales ....and exhales....

    One fair warning....

    Stay aware....and note that the herd is crowding the downward trade in a big way....

    Commence dollar averaging the trough....via the best of the best in the deeper troughs....particularly in the most busted economies....a 3 to 5 year affair....and enjoy the inevitable volatility by trading the rest....

    The sheeple/cattle/media currently are in endless trough mode....

    Duly noted....